Due to the increase in technology development, Asian economy was up to the big growth during the last decade, since the workforce is underpaid, but the products they bring to the world are too valuable. To find out which Asian country owns the highest GDP per capita, there were few things to be considered.
Since the Asian countries are all developed enough to maintain the high GDP, some might say that it shouldn’t be a big problem ranking the number one list of the highest GDP per capita in Asia. But the problem with ranking this country actually lies in the different population and the size of the country in general. Of course, the countries with bigger population will be having the larger workforce, and therefore influence the economy better than the country with a lower number of citizens. This brings up the next issue and that’s the inflation, which is actually the government’s fault, but who would dare to go against the system in Asia? But after consulting several online databases and doing a little calculation, we managed to figure out that the Asian country with the highest GDP per capita is Qatar, with GDP per capita of $143,427. This all comes thanks to the oil reserves found in the country. Due to a low number of original population in Qatar, the government was forced to call in foreigners to join them and nowadays, they count 85% of the entire population of Qatar. To see more detailed information about this topic, please make sure you subscribe to Insider Monkey’s website and click on 15 richest countries in Asia by GDP per capita.