If you are a philanthropist and you are sick and tired of watching less fortunate struggling every day to survive, while the government seems to not doing anything about it, maybe it’s time to get on your feet and find the best way to help humanity.
Over-religious people pray. It’s a good and noble thing indeed, but praying to a God won’t magically place food on someone’s table and won’t collect money for some kid’s surgery. This is why people who have a bit more impact organize some fundraising from time to time in order to let God take a nap for a change. Causes vary from the seriousness of the situation. Sometimes, funds are raised for some children’s homes, and sometimes, money is collected for someone in particular. People nowadays suffer from all kind of diseases and the science failed when it comes to preventing them. The more we try to battle, the more people face death. But the least we can do is to be there for them and help them financially as much as we can. It isn’t just about money. Red Cross all over the world is collecting clothes and food for poor people, as well as toys and Christmas, presents for their children. There are also many organization that help homeless and lower class people build their houses from scratch for free. Also, people who have influence and see the potential in someone are helping them to finish some school and get a job, so they can be on their own and succeed without anyone’s help. As you can see, there are many ways you can get involved in helping humanity. You just need to decide which way fits you the most. If you are not sure what you can do, the best solution is to get in touch with some charity and ask where your help is most needed and they will be happy to aim you.
Insider Monkey’s research team took the time to find the 11 largest charities in America you get involved with. Just click on the provided link and you will be automatically redirected to their site and get the opportunity to show the others how real people do it!