What are the Safest Places on Earth from Nuclear Fallout? We have put together a list of the Safest Places on Earth from Nuclear Fallout. If you’re panicking now, be calm. All you need to do is to pack your bags, get on a flight and land in one of the places mentioned here! As simple as that! Though do keep in mind there’s only a very slim chance that you will be able to survive it. The chances of long-term survival are even slimmer as scientists and experts claim that a nuclear winter will follow the nuclear war. If you’re lucky and are able to escape, you can check the places on this list to know where you can head. Apart from having lively scenery, these destinations also have the necessary resources for you to survive.

The northern hemisphere of Earth is more likely to be affected as the United Kingdom, the USA, Pakistan, China, India, Russia, and France all are in possession of nuclear weapons. The most sensible suggestion is to move towards the southern hemisphere. The countries in this region are the safest from a nuclear fallout. The actual explosion is not the only thing that will result in death as the fallout is just as Dangerous. The long-term effects are severe birth defects and fatal diseases like cancers. By moving to the south, you can be a bit more safe as by the time it reaches you, the severity will be less as it would have dispersed into the atmosphere over a period of time.

This list is not very scientific. We browsed through various forums trying to get the answers to this question. We also poured over a map to figure the farthest countries from a nuclear ear. We then ranked these destinations by their resourcefulness and their beauty factor. French Polynesia in South Pacific, Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Norway, and Kiribati Islands in the central Pacific Ocean are some of the Safest Places on Earth from Nuclear Fallout. French Polynesia has great currents and winds meaning that the fallout will weaken a lot by the time it reaches here. Svalbard Global Seed Vault is situated in the Artic Ocean between the North Pole and Norway. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault contains seeds of all types which will ensure you never go hungry. Kiribati Islands are located around 4,000 kilometers from Hawaii. The coral reefs, blue waters, and the natural beauty is a great place for a hideout. Check out the other safe places.
