What are the Highest Paying Manual Labor Jobs? Those wondering about the highest paying manual labor jobs have come to the right place. It does not seem fair that those who are putting in the most amount of hard work would earn so little when compared to other job profiles. In an attempt to get you a high pay of the excellent work you put in, we have compiled this list of the highest paying manual labor jobs.

We first determined how popular the manual jobs are in the US and how much demand there is for such jobs. We compiled a list of the highest paying manual labor jobs from Forbes. These are the blue-collar jobs in the United States. We ranked the results according to the pay scale that we discovered in the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, BLS. The only factor we used while compiling and ranking this list is the average pay of the job.

Rotary Drill Operators, Oil and Gas, Aircraft and Avionics Equipment Mechanics and Technicians, and Telecommunication Equipment Installers and Repairers are few of the jobs on this list. The average pay for those working as Rotary Drill Operators is $60,380. They are the ones who arrange rotary drills in order to remove the oil and gas from below the ground. It is a physical job requiring a lot of energy. They work in mining sites and in petroleum products manufacturing industries. The average salary for the Aircraft and Avionics Equipment Mechanics and Technicians is $58,390. They are responsible for repairing and checking that the aircraft is in good condition. They make sure that the scheduled maintenance is carried out properly. Physical health and energy are required as they work long hours.

Those working as Telecommunication Equipment Installers and Repairers earn an average of $54,570. They are required to install new connection and work with devices and electronic equipment. They are highly important in today’s world where nothing happens without internet of phone connections. They are so crucial that they deserve every penny they are paid and more! Take a look at the rest of the Highest Paying Manual Labor Jobs on the list!
