So what are the birth chart compatibility predictions? It is very interesting thing to study astrology and birth charts. If you know the exact data about someone: city, date time of birth you can gain important information about that certain person. As for me I really don’t know what to think about it. I mean I believe that someone’s personality is defined by genetics and the circumstances where he, she was brought up. But many people eagerly watch others’ birth charts especially when they want to know whether to date with that person or not. Now you can take a look into this world with the help of Insider Monkey’s article published recently. A birth chart is said to tell you where the planets were when you were born.

The birth charts are regarded to as unique as a fingerprint, and it can explain the personality; what that person thinks, why he, she behaves like that. For example if your sun is in Pisces, that means you are open minded, and talented in arts, communication and have deep love for other people. People whose sun is in Pisces very often choose to be doctors, artists, priests, nurses – as they want to serve humanity.

In order to collect the right information about birth charts Insider Monkey has consulted various sites such as Quora. We have picked two items from their list now: e-Taroccho and AstroVidhi. e-Tarocchi offers astrology, but numerology and tarot as well. These are other tools to predict your future, give answers for your questions. Tarot doesn’t give exact answer just it shows you the possible way or direction where to go. You can find daily horoscopes and love horoscopes on this website as well. AstroVidhiuses Hindu Vedic systems, which are different from the western astrology but very interesting. The founders have predicted Vedic astrology for about 15 years, and there are only experts in their team, who are really excellent at doing it.
For any further interesting information, you should read Insider Monkey’s article about the birth chart compatibility predictions.


I am from Hungary, Europe. I graduated as a theologian, and social pedagogue.