Car’s prime purpose is to get you to the wanted destination as quick as the speed limit allows you and carry out as much bags and luggage as required. But when you are going on the vacation, it is important for you to know all the disadvantages and what are the benefits of going on the vacation without a car.

If you decide to take the trip without your car, the first thing you should do is to buck your plane or bus ticket. They may be too expensive for your taste, especially if there are 4 or 5 of you. Next thing is to find a ride to the airport or the bus stop with all the luggage you are bringing, and if you don’t have a friend that owns a minivan, the only thing that’s left is to take two cabs, which means another expense. Speaking of the luggage, who will carry it for you to the airport and to the hotel, or the house you rented when you arrive? Well, this is now too much, you better take your car. Just kidding, don’t you think about taking your car keys, as there are more benefits of going on the vacation without a car.

Yes, you have to carry your luggage by yourself the whole time, and yes, you will pay much for tickets, but have you ever thought about the expenses you would have if you would go with your car? Before your trip starts, you would need to have your car checked, your oil changed, and fuel refilled. You might already count how much fuel will your car spend according to the miles, you may have forgotten about highways, trafficking, speed-limiting, and the break you will have to make every 3 hours to rest and have some coffee and something to eat, as you will be required to be fully concentrated during the trip. All of this means money. The money you would save up by buying those four tickets. And one more thing, if driving, you won’t be able to rest in peace as you wanted, and your vacation will be all about worries and keep your four eyes opened. While in an airplane, you may be sleeping during the whole trip without thinking about anything. Unless you have a panic attack because of the height. In this case, we recommend buses.

Anyway, to get back to the topic: everywhere you go, there will be a chargeable parking spot, and while you are looking for one, you will miss out all the sightings the city you have traveled to has to offer. The worse thing that can happen to you during your vacation is your car to break. This requires extra money and maybe making your vacation longer, which, in case you don’t have extra days off or other chores around the house, is pretty devastating. If you completely understood what we were talking about and agreed with us, Insider Monkey compiled a list of 11 best places to visit in the USA without a car that you should check out.
