Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) has announced that it is going to revamp and review its user verifications and protection policies after Zelda Williams, the daughter of comedian Robin Williams faced a lot of rude and abusive comments on the social media network after her father’s apparent suicide. Discussing this issue in a program on CNBC, Henry Blodget, Business Insider editor-in-chief, said that being rude and abusive is become a common problem on the internet and companies must devise some way to force the users to stick to some standards of politeness. He said that the new initiative from Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) in the Zelda Williams’s case is a good step.
“[…] I am glad Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) is standing up and I am glad the problem is getting an issue, and even leaving aside the people who are truly hateful, which is what happened in this case, the problem is, that the Internet, Twitter, comments, everything else teams to take decent people and just turn them into douchebags, they get on Twitter, its suddenly rude, mean, nasty things you would never say to anybody in person even if you didn’t like them all that much and it would be great to find a way to control that or at least incent people to be a little more polite,” said Blodget.
Del Harvey, Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) ‘s vice president of trust and safety said in a statement that Twitter has pinned down some suspected accounts involved in Zelda Williams case and the company is reviewing its policies in order to ensure that such incidents don’t take place in the future. Jon Fortt added that the two-tier authentication system from Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) will dilute the abusive behavior and also add advertising value to the social media service.
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