Today we are going to take a look at top 5 pharmaceutical companies with the highest R&D spending, based on Insider Monkey’s article. Pharma companies have always played great roles in the history of modern man, and without a shadow of a doubt we can be grateful for them. Although these companies keep seeking their profits as well, but without researchers, scientists and pharma companies, humanity would still have to fight a bitter battle against formerly deadly diseases, such as whooping cough, smallpox, tuberculosis, malaria, polio and many other dreadful diseases. The year of 2020 proved to us that we do need the work of the pharma companies.
So without further ado, let’s see what your are here for: the top 5 pharma companies. We have brought 3 out the 5 just as a short foretaste, as usual. Bristol Myer Squibb stands on the fifth spot with a total R&D spend of $6,148 million as of 2019. Total R&D spend by the company in 2019 was 23.5% of the net sales. Bristol Myers Squibb is a US-based company, and had more than $42 billion in sales in 2020. It is also the company that is involved in a $1 billion lawsuit as Bristol Myers Squibb had a part in infecting hundreds of Guatemalans with syphilis. Eli Lilly stands on the third spot with a total R&D spend of $5,595 million as of 2019. Total R&D spend by the company in 2019 was 25.1% of the net sales. Eli Lilly is also an American company which was established in 1876, and is famous for several brands such as Cymbalta, Dolophine,Prozac, Zyprexa and many contraceptives. Eli Lilly is followed by the famed AstraZeneca on the second spot with a total R&D spend of $6,059 million as of 2019. Total R&D spend by the company in 2019 was 24.85% of the net sales. AstraZeneca is a British-Swedish biotech company that was written about a lot nowadays due to the vaccine against the coronavirus. The company put large efforts to be able to become among the firsts who manage to develop a usable vaccine. The fact, they managed to, made them more famous, popular, and rich of course. In order to gain more information about the top pharmaceutical companies with highest R&D Spending, please click to see the entire original article.
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