The developed countries have started to implement strategies to help reduce carbon footprint on the mother earth. These countries are shifting their dependency on renewable energy sources. The US President Joe Biden has reversed the orders of former president by rejoining the Paris agreement. This step has created hope for the renewable energy sector and investors are eager to invest in the already expanding energy sector. Things have already started to change as the incumbent US President has revoked the agreement of Keystone XL pipe from Canada and announced his plans to stay away from oil transition while he is in office. With the increasing global warming and wildfires, various companies, industries, and sector face the impact. Due to wildfires in the US, the power supply company PG&E has gone bankrupt due to failure to pay liabilities of $30 billion. So, this is how global warming has a direct impact on various areas of the economy in different countries. With this context in mind, we have gathered a list of Top 5 Companies to Benefit from Global Warming as shared by Insider Monkey in one of their articles on Yahoo.
One of the beneficiaries of global warming is Pool Corporation. This company will benefit from global warming because as the global temperature goes up, the demand for swimming pools is likely to increase. This company is a global supplier of swimming pool accessories and related equipment. As per available data, the company reported a profit of 26.6% on its third-quarter sales. A total of 36 companies have invested in shares of this company. According to Wasatch Core Growth Fund, “Pool Corp. (POOL) saw its stock price increase as the wholesale distributor of swimming pools and related equipment and supplies benefited from rising demand precipitated by families increasingly favoring activities that can be enjoyed at home. The company also benefited from cost saving measures put in place at the start of the pandemic. We believe Pool Corp. is on a promising long-term growth trajectory and has the potential to see more business in the short term from greater use of swimming pools by housing communities and individual households.” Another company to benefit is Solaredge Technologies Inc. It is an Israel-based company which manufactures and sells solar energy related items. The company offers wide range of products falling in this category. This is just a brief introduction about these 2 companies. You can read more at 10 Companies That Will Benefit From Global Warming.