The Eurozone has trading relations with over 80 countries worldwide. As the pandemic left heavy toll on various countries and intermittent lockdowns caused loss to the tune of hundreds and thousands of dollars, Eurozone was the worst to face the loss, caused due to the pandemic. Europe is a large economy, but it is not that larger as the US. According to analysts, China is likely to take over the title of the biggest global economy during the next 1 decade. The growth rate of the Eurozone shrank and according to the International Monetary Fund, Spain was the worst to experience the economic fallout due to the pandemic. At present, the European countries have started to rebound from the trauma of the pandemic. Financial gurus are of the view that the return rate of dividend stocks is higher as compared to the US financial market. “We’re actually at a very interesting time in markets, whereby I think non-U.S. markets over probably the next six months to nine months will outperform the U.S.,” Quilvest Wealth Management’s Bob Parker told CNBC in a recent interview. We have prepared a list of Top 10 European Dividend Stocks for 2021 as shared by Insider Monkey in one of their Yahoo posts.
LyondellBasell Industries NV is among the best European dividend stocks to buy during 2021. As per available data, total worth of investment by hedge funds is $604 million. At present, $85 is the stock price while the return rate is 4.90%. Till the end of third quarter, last year, a total of 31 hedge funds invested in this dividend stock. During May, last year, an investor purchased 4,400 shares of this company. At that time, the cost of each share was $53. Since May, the price of the stock went up by 60%. Another popular company offering dividend stock is Royal Dutch Shell. The total investment value by hedge funds in this company is $853 million. Royal Dutch Shell has been named as the best dividend stocks to buy by billionaire Ken Fisher. At present, the price of each stock is $36 while the dividend return is 3.61%. As per available data, the company reported adjusted earnings of $0.6 billion during the second quarter of the year 2020. This was just an introduction about European dividend stocks. You can read more about at 14 Best European Dividend Stocks to Buy Now on Yahoo.