Religion is an extremely personal thing, though if you look at human history, you will find evidence to the contrary. However, in modern times, I think most people have been able to break free of the fear of persecution and are now voicing their own opinions about religion and sticking to it, defending it, letting others know about it. Thankfully, in the modern times, disputes regarding religions are not settled by the sword, rather with constructive arguments. Of course I am talking about the internet. The internet has become an essential tool in establishing personal freedom and the freedom of speech. If you have an internet connection, then you know what YouTube is, and you can find a lot of interesting things on YouTube. Our today’s article is about one such topic, it does not matter what your religious views are, there are several atheist YouTube channels that provide quality content. Whether it is something funny or scientific, or something else, these channels tend to promote atheism, and they are also open for constructive argument. If you are up for something like this, or if you want to promote your own views, then those channels might be a good place to start.
If you wish to learn more about this interesting topic, then you have come to the right place. At insider monkey’s blog page, we have put together the list of Top 10 Atheist YouTube Channels To Watch. Just click on the provided link to get instant access.