Australia or more formally known as the Commonwealth of Australia is very similar in many respects with the countries of the western hemisphere. It is a developed country with very high per capita income. Any statistical analysis performed in Australia therefore can possibly resemble the results of the same tests done in a western country. In Australia much like the western countries the smartphone market is booming. Smart phones are indeed convenient little devices with many utilities, but perhaps the most used feature on it is, the ability to become ubiquitous. As social beings, we humans try to stay close to our friends and family at all times, and thanks to social media websites, also known as social networking sites it is now very easy to do.

Facebook revolutionized the way people collaborate and communicate today, it is the most popular of all social networking sites in the world today. There are many social networking sites besides that have considerable popularity. For example, let us consider the Google plus, it is not as much popular as Facebook, but it’s far from being a ghost town. I do not speak for the rest of the world, but I personally have multiple social media accounts on various social media websites that I visit on a regular basis. This I think is the case with many social network users. To achieve the optimal level of connectivity in my case at least I had to have more than one social media account.

To a social media marketer, always opting for the most popular social media network is sensible but not always the most effective decision. Have a social media marketing campaign simultaneously over multiple platforms can and will make a significant difference in any business. If you wish to know the most visited social media websites in Australia please follow the link to The 10 Most Visited Social Media Websites in Australia.
