The number of victims of human trafficking rises every day, according to National Human Trafficking Resource Center, but as the victims are often treated as the criminals, there is a high percent of the ones that don’t go to the police after they are released or managed to escape. But the data that can be gathered from official sources shows that states with the highest rate of human trafficking are Michigan, New York, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Texas, and among the top five are Georgia, Nevada, Florida, Ohio, and the number one, California.

Facts you need to know about human trafficking in the US are the next ones:
First of all, more than a half of the victims are female and at least half of them are younger than 18.
The second thing is that many prostitutes you can see on the streets are the victims of human trafficking, but as they are not allowed to say anything or look for a help since they are closely watched by their owners, you may think that they choose this kind of life on their own.
Most of the victims are forced to labor and prostitution where their working hours are not specified, which means that they can be in the role for more than 12 hours per a day.
The recruitment is rather simple. Victims are randomly chosen on their way to the work or school, or in some cases made to work as prostitutes by their own family members, most often mothers and husbands.
The treatment those victims have are worse than anything you can imagine. They are mostly kept tied in basements until their shift is on.
The most frequent thing that happens with young victims is that they develop Stockholm syndrome and they stay attached to their kidnappers.

Those are the overall facts of human trafficking in the whole world but check out more detailed information for 11 worse states for human trafficking in America, and start looking around yourself.
