Life is a complicated mess, and there is a lot that’s not right with life. But, we must soldier on through it no matter what. Now that said, there are also some awesome things about life, like food. We love good food, and we take great delight in enjoying quality food. Well, most of do, some might consider food just a medium to get energy and not something to be enjoyed or savored. But we do not do that, we enjoy eating good food. If you are someone who loves eating, then I think you will like our today’s topic. Even though, we will talk about some crazy food ideas that did not go well, but as a foodie you soak up all the information regarding food good or bad. Eating is an experience, and not just a mundane act of everyday life. Always keep eating healthy, and celebrate this amazing gift from God to us. The foods that made into our list today are rather bizarre in flavor and texture. It shows that food is a form of art, and considerable thought and meticulous preparation is necessary to prepare something, or else it just will not work.

If you wish to learn more about this interesting topic, then you have come to the right place. At insider monkey’s blog page, we have put together the article titled “of Purple Ketchup, Celery Soda, and 6 Other Crazy Food Ideas That Flopped”. Just click on the link to get access to it right now.
