The ongoing pandemic has pushed impoverished countries to new heights of income inequality and engulfed nearly 8% of the world’s population in despair. Prior to the pandemic, the pre-pandemic world made significant strides toward halving global poverty by 2000. By definition, poverty is a state of deprivation in terms of income and access to resources. Many of the world’s poorer countries are rife with political instability. Africa and Asia, on the other hand, are expected to see the greatest increase in extreme poverty as a result of the pandemic.

Insider Monkey dives into the list of the 25 poorest countries in the world. Lesotho has a population of 2.2 million people and a GNI per capita of $2740. Lesotho has a history of droughts. It survived a military coup that was repudiated following seven years of martial law. Mountains encircle the country. The Solomon Islands are an archipelago of 992 islands and atolls located in Melanesia in the Pacific Ocean. 11.9 percent of Solomon Islanders have internet access, and companies such as Google, Amazon, and Twitter are bridging the digital divide. Guinea’s gross national income per capita is $2580, while its GDP per capita is $8,000. Guinea’s 13.5 million people have escaped the Ebola virus. The government continues to look to the IMF to establish new infrastructure programs. With a population of 117.8 million, it is Africa’s second most populous country. The country has struggled for 30 years with drought and population growth. Uganda has one of the world’s highest fertility rates. It had a population of 27.1 million people as of mid-2021. Mali, a landlocked country in western Africa, derives its wealth from gold mining and agricultural exports. Its people have endured widespread economic and social unrest and over 31 years of dictatorship rule. Mali currently has a population of 20.9 million. For more details, click 25 Of The Poorest Countries In The World.

Poorest Countries in the World

