The stock market has had a rough start to the year in 2022. Investors are seeking advice from market experts on how to reduce their risk. Cramer is a former Goldman Sachs executive and hedge fund manager. Over the course of the past decade, his hedge fund has generated annualized returns of over 24 percent. Investors, he says, should steer clear of businesses that “only grow sales but lose boatloads of money.” This suggests that you should focus on companies that produce tangible goods, such as manufacturing and innovation.

Here is Insider Monkey’s list of Jim Cramer’s top 10 stock picks for 2022. BHC is a pharmaceutical and medical device distributor and manufacturer based in the New York Stock Exchange. Hedge funds’ positions in the stock have risen dramatically in the last few months. Over $3.8 billion was invested in the company by 39 hedge fund investors at year-end 2021. Honeywell International Inc. is an industrial conglomerate with interests in both technology and manufacturing. He believes this is the last stock that gets bids as investors shift away from high growth names without earnings during a bear market. Independent oil and gas company Devon Energy Corporation. The hedge fund industry is buzzing about it as a top oil play. Adage Capital Management has 7.5 million shares worth more than $219 million, making it the largest shareholder. Hedgies have been lining up to buy shares of Chevron Corp. There are 1.6 million shares of Eli Lilly and Company owned by GQG Partners, which is worth over $376 million in total. Products for the treatment of Alzheimer’s and diabetes, two products that could significantly increase the company’s earnings, are manufactured by the company. For more details, click Jim Cramer’s Top Stock Picks For 2022.

