Whether you are a student, hard-working person or a stay-home mom, lack of concentration is the one thing that can ruin your whole day, if not the whole life. Since our brain is constantly filled with all sorts of information and plans, sometimes it’s really hard to focus on one thing.

I remember when I was a student and had to prepare myself for some test that I had the same week, I was always brainstorming something else. It was all related to school, but not with the subject I needed to pass, so there were times when I used to jump from one subject to another and usually ended up with nothing learned.

Now, I am a working mom and my schedule has to be more flexible than ever. But this sometimes leads to accomplishing absolutely nothing, just because of the lack of focus. Sometimes, during the mommy and son bonding time, I find myself thinking about work and trying to manage both. Since my son isn’t as quiet as I need him to be in that moment, I end up sitting in front of my computer with a blank document in front of me, while he screams in my ear asking for something that I also forgot to do. At the end of the day, I realize that my whole day was wasted and that the next one will be much worse since everything undone that day is left for the next one, which means that tomorrow, I will have everything double. But there is one interesting thing about this job. We all have our daily tasks, but when we check out what our colleagues are working on, we can find some useful information.

My colleague recently worked on the 6 easiest ways to focus and improve your concentration and I honestly didn’t pay attention to the article until this morning. The article makes perfect sense and is very easy-to-read so didn’t take me much time to find the solution to the problem I was struggling with for the quite some time. If you have the same problem as I did, I strongly recommend you to click on the link above and I guarantee you will find useful information like I did this morning and make your life easier than before.
