Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg finally cleared the dust about some murky, controversial questions about his personality, his company’s moves and markets. He came to Facebook’s California Headquarter for one hour to answer the pre-submitted questions around the world, The Telegraph reported. Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)’s CEO talked about his much controversial move about forcing Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) users to download Messenger app on their mobiles. Telling the reasons behind this move, Zuckerberg admitted that the transition was not smooth as it was expected. But Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)  strongly believes that Messenger app makes messaging more fat and easy. You send messages to around 10-20 people daily. Instead of opening website app, waiting for it to load and send receive messages is pretty time taking process, Zukcerberg argued. An app is designed to do one thing in the most optimized way. We designed Messenger app to make messaging fast and easy, said 30 year old billionaire.

Facebook, is FB a good stock to buy, Mark Zuckerberg, Chinese, Tsinghua University Beijing,

Zuckerberg said that he wants to make Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) a vital utility of life as electricity. He said that he never made Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) just to look cool. “I am not a cool person,” said Zuckerberg. All he wanted to do was to make Facebook useful. He also commented about his portrayed ambitions behind making Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) in the media. He said that movies like The Social Network add embellishments to make a movie more glamorous or attractive. They made up many things.

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)’s CEO was asked about why he wears the same T-shirt daily. Zuckerberg said that he owns multiple versions of the same T-Shirt. He thinks that he is too busy to serve 1 billion people on the internet and he has no time to worry about silly and frivolous things like dressing and shoes.

Facebook is one of the most visited websites in the world.

Philippe Laffont‘s Coatue Management owns over 5.8 million shares of Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB).

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