When your name is called by maternity and you do not have your own baby, then you might think of baby adoption. When couples started thinking regarding the adoption of a baby, before that they tried all possible ways to have their own baby. While searching on the internet for relevant authentic sources, I found a long list of babies who are waiting to be adopted. I saw their faces and imagined what will be their background. I found them running inside the garden, laughing on a joke, falling off the garden’s pavement, and mourning their own relatives. I also saw them as kids who were abandoned in the hospitals or were taken away from the families because of alcohol or drug-related issues. I also saw them smiling and crying over little things. This was difficult to stop observing these kids after seeing them on the laptop screen. Here, I am going to share some of the ideas which help you in adopting babies in an easy way.
In the post by Insider Monkey, they have followed the following criteria for finding out the easiest countries to adopt baby:
“To compile the list list of the easiest countries to adopt a baby, we have consulted Adoption.com, where we could collect the necessary data for this article. We applied a double-filter to rank the countries. At first, we watched if the country is the member of the Hague Convention country. Hague Convention applies to every each of adoption by American citizens who adopt child from abroad. The Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption was concluded in the Netherlands 28 years ago, in 1993. It’s an international agreement which includes and declares standards of intercountry adoptions.”
So let’s start with sharing the list of the easiest countries for baby adoption as reviewed by Insider Monkey. On 10th place in the list is The Bahamas which is not a Hague Adoption Convention Country and this is possible to have intercountry adoptions amongst the USA and this country. The adoptive age of a kid in this country is 6 weeks and the age of the parent should be at least 25 years and he or she must be 21 years older than the age of the kid being adopted. On 9th place in the list is South Korea which is not a Hague Adoption Convention Country and it is possible to do intercountry adoptions between the USA and South Korea. The adoptive age of the kid in this country is less than 16 weeks and the age of Non-Korean parents needs to be from 25 years to 44 years and preference is given to married couples. You can read about more countries on the list in 11 Easiest Countries To Adopt A Baby.