Dividend growth stocks may be of higher quality than other types of equities since they provide protection from unfavorable market conditions. Between 1999 and 2021, the S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats outperformed their counterparts by 143 and 59 basis points each month, respectively. However, determining which stock will provide a consistent and safe income can be difficult. Many investors, especially those aiming to establish a consistent passive income stream, should consider investing in dividend equities. Microsoft Corporation, Apple Inc., and McDonald’s are all dividend stocks that can add value to an investor’s portfolio.

Insider Monkey looks at the 10 cheap monthly dividend stocks to buy now. Cross Timbers Royalty Trust is an oil and gas exploration and production express trust based in the United States. On the list of cheap monthly dividend stocks to purchase right now, the firm is ranked 10th. It pays a per-share dividend every month. PermRock Royalty Trust is ranked 9th. In the Permian Basin, the corporation possesses oil and natural gas production properties. Its price returns have increased by 174.7 percent, compared to 34.57 percent for the S&P 500. Permian Basin Royalty Trust ranks eighth. In the last six months, the stock has risen 38.71 percent, and it has gained 45.61 percent for the year. It brought about $2.13 million in revenue in the first quarter of 2021. Prospect Capital Corporation is the 7th cheapest monthly dividend stock to purchase right now on the list. The stock has risen 33.44 percent in the last six months and 47.01 percent so far this year. PSEC is a business development firm that focuses on asset management and custody banks. U.S. Global Investors, Inc. comes in sixth. In the third quarter of 2021, the company’s revenue was $1.38 million, increasing 93.29 percent year over year. For more details, click 10 Cheap Monthly Dividend Stocks to Buy Now.

Cheap Monthly Dividend Stocks to Buy Now

