Retail investors frequently look at penny stocks as a way to get started in investing. This strategy is frequently fruitful, as research on small businesses and the growth potential they represent is a tried and true method of gaining an understanding of how the market works. They do, however, offer the possibility of handsome short-term returns due to their volatility. Transocean Ltd., IAMGOLD Corporation, and CarLotz, Inc. are three of the best penny stocks to buy right now. According to CNBC, the surge in stock volume over the last two years has aided in the rise of penny stocks.

Here is Insider Monkey’s list of the 15 best penny stocks to buy now. PowerBand Solutions Inc. is a technology company focused on the distribution of software and financial services. The company is headquartered in Canada and caters primarily to the automotive industry. It has a market capitalization of $138 million and revenue of $2.3 million in 2020. HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd. is the fourteenth best penny stock to buy right now on the list ranks 13th on the list of the top 15 penny stocks to buy right now. It is a software company based in Utah. The company is frequently mentioned in Reddit forums. Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp. is an international shipping company headquartered in Greece. It is ranked number twelve on our list of the top fifteen penny stocks to buy right now. The company has a market capitalization of $183 million and reported revenue of $63 million last year. Ideanomics, Inc. is a New York-based financial technology company focused on accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles. It ranks eleventh on the list of the fifteen best penny stocks to buy right now. Electrameccanica Vehicles Corp. is tenth on our list of the top fifteen penny stocks to buy right now. The company designs and manufactures electric vehicles. The company reported $0.3 million in revenue for the second quarter, which ended on August 11. For more details, click 15 Best Penny Stocks To Buy Now.


