Investors have taken advantage of volatility to spot short-term gains, buying rallies and selling at peak prices. Narasimhan Jegadeesh and Sheridan Titman popularized this investing method in the early 1990s. Investors who bought equities that had performed well in the past and sold those that had performed poorly achieved large positive returns over the course of a year, according to the research.

Here is Insider Monkey’s list of the 15 best momentum stocks to invest in. Tesla, Inc. is ranked fifteenth. Electric vehicles are manufactured and sold by the corporation, which also has investments in the clean energy sector. It is based in the state of California. Elon Musk stated that if regulatory approval was granted, the business would begin building automobiles at the Gigafactory in Berlin. Ball Corporation is rated fourteenth. The company is based in Colorado, and it sells aluminum packaging. The company earned $0.86 profit per share in its second quarter earnings report, which was released on August 5. Allstate Corporation is ranked thirteenth. On August 4, the firm reported second-quarter earnings that surpassed market expectations by $0.63 and revenue by more than $2 billion. General Electric Company came in 12th. The company’s healthcare division has partnered with Amazon Web Services to provide artificial intelligence and cloud-based imaging solutions, as well as other integrated data. JPMorgan Chase & Co. is ranked eleventh. The firm is based in New York and offers a wide range of financial services, including banking and investment banking. It manages a total of $10 billion in assets. eBay Inc. is ranked tenth. The company is based in California and runs an online marketplace that brings buyers and sellers together. The company outperformed market expectations by $0.04 in its second-quarter earnings report, which was released on August 11. For more details, click 15 Best Momentum Stocks To Invest In.

