There is hardly any industry that is not impacted by the adverse effects of Coronavirus and the logistics industry is also amongst those who faced the consequences. Because of the lockdowns and restrictions, the worldwide supply chain networks get impacted badly. All those who are attached to the industry are well aware of the fact that any segment of the supply chain is impacted, then it ruins everything and disturbs the overall plans. The travel restrictions were the major challenges that are confronted by logistic firms. Boarders have been closed by the majority of the nations and they stopped permitting flights from and to other nations except for the repatriation of their citizens. The whole motive of the existence of logistics companies is nullified if they are not able to enter the region where they have to send the services or products. But, no reliable researches related to the exact impact on logistics companies are available, but this is possible to be significant. Although, logistics companies have recruited hundreds of thousands of employees but still, the rate of unemployment is increasing because of the outbreak of Coronavirus. Around 40 million employees have lost jobs in the USA during this COVID-19 pandemic.
This is how Insider monkey selects the best logistic companies in the world:
“To determine the biggest logistic companies in the world, we have initially gone with the companies with the highest net revenues, as revenues truly represent the size and significance of a company. We then selected the top 20 and ranked them according to both their revenue and the number of employees, since the bigger a logistics company, the greater the number of employees it has. Since revenue is a more important metric, we have given it 70% weightage, while we have attributed 30% weightage to the number of employees.”
Here we are going to list the best logistics companies in the world after reading the post by Insider Monkey on Yahoo. The list starts with Sinotrans which was started in China in 2002. The company has merged with a number of other companies as well and is amongst the largest logistics firms in China. This is amongst those companies which are serving only one country and China is declared as the biggest country in terms of population. The next company on the list of best logistics companies is CEVA which was established in the UK and its headquarters are located in Switzerland. This is for the reason that everyone who gets the option will surely choose Switzerland. This company was later on acquired by CMA CDM Group which is based in France. This company acquired 98% shares of CEVA. This is not the end, you can find out more details about other companies on the list at Top 10 Logistics Companies In The World.