So you are 18, and want to earn some extra cash, right? Then follow our article, as we have brought Insider Monkey’s latest compilation of the 5 good paying jobs for 18 year olds with no experience required! This year has been really miserable for everyone, and you guys out there were not exceptions, either. Naturally education was a little bit easier, as you didn’t have to go to schools day by day, and let’s admit – having online lessons is pretty cool! But on the other hand, self-isolation meant you weren’t allowed to work and to get some extra…
Author: Susan Pengo
Today we are going to learn about the best cloud computing stocks to buy today. Insider Monkey’s latest article will reveal which cloud computing stocks you should invest in. This year hasn’t favored to our financial situation, as due to the pandemic, almost all of the industries stopped operating. But it’s not true for computing industry. That’s why if you have some disposable ampunt to invest in stocks, cloud computing stocks are for you! These uncertain times, we have to cope with nowadays, can spring a mine on us, and it seems to be extremely difficult to find stocks, that…
Intersted in the top best cryptocurrency exchanges of 2020? If so, come with us and let’s have a look at Insider Monkey’s latest article, which was made after very thorough research work. Since the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin was launched, cryptocurrencies have covered a long distance. More and more companies accept them as valid means of payment, so you can pay with them at lots of places, consequently the value of them has extremely increased. If there are cryptocurrencies, there should be a platform to exchange them. Therefore lots of service apps and companies were formed. One of them is Cryptocurrency…
Today we are discussing Dr. Inan Dogan, the well-learned economist’s article about the countries with the highest debt to GDP ratio. Insider Monkey’s compilation is an extremely arresting article, especially now, in these pandemic-stricken times. Lots of countries have had to cope with large amounts of debts even in the last decades, but this year has crowned all this trouble. While the whole world economy seemed to collapse in spring, hundreds of millions of people were made redundant and began their agonizing fight against impoverishment. People got into straitened circumstances, consequently they expected help from governemnts. This is the situation…
We are absolutely sure that you, dear reader is not involved in obesity, but yet we must speak about the most obese countries in the world. Scientists and medical experts concern about obesity with growing anxiety, as more and more people are getting to suffer from it annually. It has many reasons, so we’d like to name only a few of them. One of the reasons is poverty. When people struggle to make ends meet from only a little money, they can’t buy all the good quality meals their body would need. Therefore they purchase cheap foods with high carbohydrate-,…
If you suffer from allergy, you will probably be pleased to read about the worst U.S. cities for allergies. Allergy can ruin our everyday life, as its symtomps varies from mild to severe, but one thing is sure it makes your life difficult. It’s increasingly true, if you are planning to travel somewhere, so it’s wise to check the pollution rate in your destination city. If you have allergy with mild symptoms, it can go with coughing, throat scratching, sneezing, and having rashes. In severe cases its effects are hives, eczema, asthma, breathing problems, and hyptension. Medical treatments can also…
Today we are discussing the 10 fastest growing cities on the U.S. by population growth. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting compilation regarding to this topic. When the population of settlements grow, it can have several reasons. One of them is urbanisation. It means the shift of population from rural to urban areas, as people seek better living conditions and higher standard of life in the cities. It’s a general process while towns and cities become larger. This process then forms a circle, as people who moved to cities get work, but at the same time they create workplaces…
We have written a lot about the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and now we have great news about the fastest growing franchises in the US in 2020. While many industries had a forced break, and large number of people were dismissed during the first wave of the pandemic, there are franchises that still operate well, even in these tough times. Actually, we should start with its definition. What is franchise? It’s a business, where franchisor provides the intellectual property, procdeures and licence, know-how, for a fee in return. They franchise their recipes and menu, but companies in different…
Altough we have to live under the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic, we mustn’t lose heart as great times and total freedom will come again, therefore let’s check out Insider Monkey’s latest article about the most visited cities in the US by foreigners. Those who love traveling, can feel trapped nowadays, as we have to cope with self-isolation and other restrictions due to the pandemic. There are negative voices, but don’t listen to them! Everything will be all right soon, and although we’ll never forget these tough times, and we’ll always remember our deads, life will move in a rut…
So what are the top most dangerous cities in the U.S? You will get to know if you follow us, since we have brought Insider Monkey’s latest article regarding to the risky cities across the United States. Either you consider moving to another city or you are just planning to travel across America – you should be aware of the dangerous cities. This year has carried lots of troubles so far, and the biggest of them is the pandemic. In the first third of the year we had to spend under self-isolation, and many of our plans ended in smoke.…
Being single can sound a dream, but actually we all need someone, so if you want to find someone important, check the list of the 5 cities for singles over 40 in 2020. Dating over 40 is completely diferent from what we experienced under 40. The older we are getting, the less chance we have to find somebody who isn’t married, reliable, loveable and it’s not bad if he or she has a good sense of homour. But we really don’t need to panic, as there are lots of opportunities, we just must walk with open eyes – and if…
If you are on the budget but yet want to check the best things to buy on Amazon under 20 Dollars, then this article is for you! We have brought Insider Monkey’s latest great article to show you that you can purchuse really good things under 20 bucks, as well! Shopping online has become the most popular thing in the last decade or so. I can remember, earlier I thought e-commerce would never be popular and commonly used in the world, as we couldn’t touch, smell, and try goods. A decade went away, and by now I hardly go to…