Author: Nina Todic

Designer bags are nowadays thing of prestige, but have you ever thought about what are the most expensive designer handbags in the world in 2016? Big fashion houses are known –among other things- for charging ludicrous amounts of money for their clothes and accessories. One of the most expensive is famous Hermès Matte Crocodile Birkin Bag. The price is paltry USD 120,000! This brand is known for its excellent craftsmanship and unrelenting attention to detail. These qualities combined with the premium materials used – crocodile skin and palladium silver- partially justify the price tag on this bag, but as I…

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Documentaries have always fascinated people, but have you ever thought about what are the best crime documentaries on Amazon Prime Instant? The popularity of crime documentaries has risen in recent times mainly due to the unexpected and unrivaled acclaim received by the Netflix series ‘Making a Murderer‘. Did you hear about Kids for Cash? This documentary is unique in the list of 11 best crime documentaries on Amazon Prime as it focuses on the criminal offense of judges. It revealed that the judges were offered kickbacks or bribes so that they would send juveniles convicted of minor offenses to jail.…

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Plants beautify our life, but have you ever thought about what are the easiest dwarf fruits trees to grow in containers or mini garden? Generally, throughout history, gardening has been a hobby afforded only to those who lived in houses with large gardens. Dwarfing is a process in which a breed of animals or cultivar of plants is changed to become significantly smaller than regular members of their species. Today it is rare not to see in someone’s house dwarf fruits trees. One of the easiest dwarf fruits trees to grow in containers or mini garden is Mulberry Tree. The…

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Children birthdays are fun, but have you ever thought about what are the top children party food ideas? If you want a themed birthday party, be sure to bear in mind the expenses and the inconvenience, and try to keep it as simple, but as creative as possible without causing any trouble for yourself or the parents of your tiny guests. Cake pops are so exciting and fun, and kids love them! Cake pops are mostly small slices of cake coated with melted candy wafers and served, as the name implies, like a lollipop. Pizza has to be on this…

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Robots are the future but have you ever thought about what are the countries that produce the most robots in the world? With the rise and rise of technology, it’s only natural that we’re going to see more and more jobs going to robots, especially in those situations where precision is needed and where machines can work faster than humans. Believe it or not, Canada is one of the countries that produce the most robots in the world. 2015, not only did Canada manage to put loads of robots in its own factory, but it also exported quite a few…

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Mortality threatens to overpower the birth rate in the world, but have you ever thought about what are the countries with the highest youth population? Some of these countries might be able to make the most of their circumstances by achieving the phenomena referred to as a demographic dividend, a situation where the percentage of children in the nation decreases in comparison to the working age population of the country. The first one on the list is Afghanistan with the proportion of youth of total population-21,2%. Afghanistan is mostly viewed as a desolate, war-stricken place associated with the US-led war…

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Finding a good place to live is difficult, but have you ever wonder what are the best cities for LGBT families? Finding out that a good friend or a relative that you love is gay, is the most powerful thing that can make any person who previously frowned upon homosexuality, now accept it as something normal. One of the best cities for LGBT families in the world is London, United Kingdom. London is a well-known LGBT tourism destination, but in 1967, homosexual acts were treated as illegal here. In 2005, gay couples were allowed to adopt children. Another one is…

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Who doesn’t have smartphones these days, but have you ever thought about what smartphones have the best loudspeakers? Phones with amazing audio quality are hard to come by nowadays, which is why we have decided to conduct a little research for you. The term “loudspeaker” may refer to complete speaker systems consisting of an enclosure including one or more drivers. Loudspeakers are very helpful nowadays when the lifestyle is very fast, and it demands fast working and thinking. People want to use all the resources just to make they life easier. There are a lot of smartphones that has magnificent…

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Nowadays we can’t imagine our life without smartphones, but have you ever thought about what are the best unlocked smartphones under 200$? Buying a new phone can be an exciting activity, but more often than not you pretty much add weight to your ankle by signing on for another couple of years of overpriced phone plans. Most mobile phones can be unlocked to work with any GSM network provider, but the phone may still display the original branding and may not support features of the new carrier. Besides the locking, phones may also have the firmware installed on them which…

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Who does not dream about winning the lottery, but have you ever thought about what are the worst lottery horror stories and problems with winning the lottery? While many may fantasize about how their lives would change for the better if they could just hit the jackpot, most folks don’t take into consideration that there can be real problems with winning the lottery. One of the most interesting stories is Thomas & Denise Rossi story. Denise Rossi was married to Thomas Rossi for 25 years. According to Thomas, they had a happy and healthy relationship, doing everything together including even…

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YouTube is one of the most popular websites in the world, but have you ever thought about what are the best educational YouTube channels to watch? Once you start following these educational channels, you will realize how curiosity can be contagious. YouTube is very popular according to the statistics that says that in April 2017, the website was ranked as the second most popular site in the world by Alexa Internet, a web traffic analysis company. Educational channels are one of the most favorite videos to watch on YouTube. One of the most famous and one of the best educational…

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The snow covered yard is an enormous issue, but have you ever thought about what are the best snow blowers on the market for the 2016-2017 winter? Everyone knows just how challenging and time-consuming shoveling up snow on those days can be, especially if you have to be somewhere in time and your car is stuck under a mountain of white fluffy snowflakes. A snow blower or snow thrower is a machine for removing snow from an area where it is not wanted. Did you hear about Husqvarna Model ST227P, your life is probably much easier. Price is $999. While…

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