Nowadays luxury is a privilege, and luxury brands were created for one purpose, to cater to the wants of the rich and fruitful, but have you ever thought about what are the most expensive coach purses in the market? Be it Ferrari or Porsche in the car department, Rolex or Rado in the watches department or Hermes or Coach in the handbags department, these brands exist to provide an exclusive experience. Coach, Inc. is a multinational luxury fashion company based in New York City. The company is known for accessories and gifts for women and men, including handbags, men’s bags,…
Author: Nina Todic
Life away from the home country is difficult, but have you ever thought about what are the highest-paying countries for expats? Exposing yourself to new cultures and new ideas leads to a broadening of the horizons. On the other hand, if you have a family, you aren’t just thinking about yourself and your future, but theirs too. Expat is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than that of their citizenship. In common usage, the term often refers to professionals or skilled workers sent abroad by their employers, who can be companies, governments, or non-governmental organizations. Effectively…
Inventions changed the world, but have yo ever thought about what are the most important historical invents that changed the world forever? Some of the acts below were small, and some were big – nevertheless they made a world-changing impact – the first step that sets into motion a series of events that eventually culminated in a significant result. You’ve probably heard of Gutenberg. Gutenberg indeed was ahead of his time since he acted according to famous Franklin’s maxim -‘’The time is money’’, although he lived even three centuries before Benjamin. His invention of the printing press, which is a…
Today it is tough to find a good job, but have you ever thought about what are the easiest fields to get a job in? Jobs are one of the primary stressors in our lives, and of our constant concerns. We are taught to take it seriously and to try hard to improve ourselves and keep our jobs to provide money for ourselves and our families. One of the easiest field to get a job in is Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing. As a sales representative, your job is to adjust schedules, gather information about the market, and overall meeting…
Nowadays there are more and more programmers in the world, but have you ever thought about what are the best freelance websites for programmers? If you’re a freelancer, you can choose to make your kitchen table your office or if it is a sunny day your office can move from kitchen to the balcony, park or coffee shop overlooking some spectacular landscape. One of the best freelance websites for programmers is Toptal. Toptal is a company operating solely in the virtual space. It is a place where programmers working with any of the known programming languages can find a job.…
Gadgets have a wide variety of functions and styles, but have you ever thought about what gadgets were supposed to change the world but flopped horribly? Breath-taking revolutions in technology have brought us game-changing gadgets that became wildly successful, both critically and commercially. Do you know what gadget is? A gadget is a new, often expensive, and relatively unknown hardware device or accessory that makes your life or the use of another device easier or more enjoyable. Some of them were supposed to change the world, but they flopped horribly. Did you expect that one of them comes from Samsung…
Being a lawyer is one of the oldest professions in the world, but have you ever thought about what are the easiest fields of law to practice? One of the most accessible areas of law to practice is Intellectual property law. When an inventor, a writer, composer or simply an artist creates something that attracts a broad audience, then, very often, somebody else tries to steal the invention and put it under his/her name. It is theft, but it is tough to prove who had the imagination/piece of art first. Another one is a Public defender. People who have seen…
Nurse profession is one of the most human occupations of all, but have you ever thought about what are the least competitive nursing schools in America? Being a nurse is not easy. On the contrary, it is, in fact, one of the most challenging professions in the world. The authority for the practice of nursing is based upon a social contract that delineates professional rights and responsibilities as well as mechanisms for public accountability. In almost all countries, nursing practice is defined and governed by law, and entrance to the profession is regulated at the national or state level. If…
Nowadays some people don’t go out on the street without a gun, but have you ever thought about which are the easiest countries to buy a gun in the world? There is more than one gun for every citizen in the country with a population of nearly 320 million. Of course, the US isn’t the only state with all guns out approach. Gun laws and policy vary considerably around the world. Most countries have a restrictive firearm guiding policy, with only a few legislations being categorized as permissive. Laws are different from one country to another. But which are the…
Fiber foods are crucial for our body, but have you ever thought about what are the easiest fiber foods to digest? Fibers are a necessary nutritional necessity of our bodies. They are required for proper digestion and disposal of the remaining food from the body. Fiber is the indigestible portion of food derived from plants. There are a lot of food that is rich in fiber. Banana is one of them. They are proven to have benefits for the digestive tract, the health of your heart and yes even for the weight loss. With a reasonable amount of fiber, essential…
Laws are the big part of our everyday life, but have you ever thought about what are the most ridiculous and weird laws in the world? Some laws actually do have an ulterior motive in that they ameliorate society in a way that is not immediately apparent, but an overwhelming majority are just an opportunity to laugh at the people who devised them. Whether they are leftovers from a forgotten time, laws that only make sense in a very particular region. This one is very weird and exciting law. Pick up the trash, but not too early in Sandy Springs,…
Refugees are one of the most common topics in the newspapers these days but have you ever thought about what countries produce the most refugees in the world? With the refugee crisis currently wreaking havoc around the globe, it is imperative to be aware of the origins of these unfortunate people. One of these countries is The Central African Republic the number of refugees is 471,100. It’s appalling and quite saddening that an African country suffering from a violent civil war does not grab the attention of anyone anymore, because the truth is, it does not sound like anything unusual.…