Community Bank Shares of Indiana, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBIN), saw an insider improve his positioning with the company by upgrading his shares through multiple transactions that began last week on August 7th and August 8th, and were officially filed today, August 11th. Director Gary L. Libs bought 6,973 shares in all, at an average price of $26.25 per share. Following the completion of these transactions, Libs now has a total of 144,007.7054 shares directly, and 10,217.16 shares indirectly involved with the bank company. Community Bank Shares of Indiana, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBIN) is a $90.22 million market cap bank holding company. The Company’s wholly owned banking subsidiaries…
Author: Daniel Forstein
The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE:DOW), saw a high level insider lower his position through a transaction that began last week on August 7th and was officially filed today, August 11th. Corporate Vice President and Treasurer Fernando Ruiz sold 35,000 shares of common stock at an average price of $52 per share. Following the completion of this transaction, Ruiz now holds 22,510 shares directly while having 133,562.079 shares invested in the company indirectly. The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE:DOW) is a $61.88 billion market cap corporation that combines the power of science and technology to passionately innovate what is essential to human progress. The Company…
Suffolk Bancorp (NASDAQ:SUBK), saw an insider improve his positioning with the company. President and Chief Executive Officer Howard C. Bluver bought 1,000 shares of common stock at an average price of $22.05 per share, and following the transaction, holds a total of 40,000 shares directly in the company. Suffolk Bancorp (NASDAQ:SUBK) is a $ 256.25 million market cap bank holding company for Suffolk County National Bank (the Bank). The Company provides banking services to its commercial and retail customers in Suffolk County, on Long Island, New York. In addition, there are multiple hedge funds involved with the company. Matthew Lindenbaum’s Basswood Capital rose its activity…
Franklin Street Properties Corp. (NYSE:FSP), saw a high level insider increase his holdings with the company through a transaction officially filed today, August 11th. Chief Financial Officer John G. Demeritt acquired 1,000 shares of common stock at an average price of $12.1657 per share. Following this transaction, Demeritt holds a total of 27,000 shares directly in Franklin Street Properties Corp. (NYSE:FSP), a $1.22 billion real estate investment trust (REIT). FSP Corp holds, directly and indirectly, 100% of the interest in three former subsidiaries: FSP Investments LLC, FSP Property Management LLC, and FSP Holdings LLC and operates some of its business through these subsidiaries. Real…
Schlumberger Limited (NYSE:SLB), saw an insider lower their position in the company through multiple transactions officially filed today August, 11th. Executive Vice President Jean-Francois Poupeau sold a total of 6,000 shares of common stock in the company at prices ranging from $107.01 to $107.02 per share. Following the completion of this move, Poupeau now directly holds 31,048 shares in the company. A $141.91 billion market cap powerhouse, Schlumberger Limited (NYSE:SLB) is the supplier of technology, integrated project management and information solutions to the international oil and gas exploration and production industry. As well, multiple hedge funds are involved with the information and energy corporation. Ken…
The First of Long Island Corporation (NASDAQ:FLIC), saw one of its insiders raise his exposure to the company. Director Paul T. Canarick bought 2,322 shares of common stock at prices ranging from $20.765 to $20.825 per share. Following the completion of this transaction, Canarick now has a total of 29,634.966 shares directly invested into this company. The First of Long Island Corporation (NASDAQ:FLIC) is a $326.4 million market cap bank holding company. It provides financial services through its wholly owned subsidiary, The First National Bank of Long Island (the Bank). In addition, there are a few outside investors with substantial holdings in the company. Matthew…
Spartan Motors Inc (NASDAQ:SPAR), saw an insider lower their positioning with the company today. President and Chief Executive Officer John E. Sztykiel sold 5,105 shares at an average price of $4.75 per share. Following the official filing of this transaction, Sztykiel now holds 571,615 shares directly while having 194,960.067 shares indirectly involved with the corporation. Spartan Motors Inc (NASDAQ:SPAR) is a $162.12 million market cap engineer and manufacturer in the heavy-duty, custom vehicles marketplace. The Company is organized into two segments: Specialty Vehicles, which consists of the Company’s emergency response chassis, motor home chassis, specialty vehicle chassis, emergency response bodies and related aftermarket parts…
Energizer Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ENR), saw an insider decrease his position with the company through a transaction that began last week, on August 7th, and was officially filed today, August 11th. Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Daniel J. Sescleifer disposed of 5,910 shares at average prices ranging from $115.5 to $116.34. Following this transaction, Sescleifer now has a total of 2,594 shares directly invested the company. A $7.18 billion market cap goliath, Energizer Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ENR) is the manufacturer and marketer of primary batteries, portable lighting and personal care products in the wet shave, skin care, feminine care and infant care categories. The…
Insteel Industries Inc (NASDAQ:IIIN), saw two of its insiders lower their positions in the company. Vice President Richard Wagner sold 2,125 shares at an average price of $20 per share, and now holds 68,735 shares directly in the company; while Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Michael C. Gazmarian disposed of 1,975 shares of common stock, also at an average price of $20 per share. Following this transaction Gazmarian still has 161,804 shares directly invested in the corporation. Insteel Industries Inc (NASDAQ:IIIN) is a $374.56 million market cap company that is a manufacturer of steel wire reinforcing products for concrete construction applications. Insteel…
CNO Financial Group Inc (NYSE:CNO), saw one of its highest level insiders improve his stakes in the company. Chief Executive Officer Edward J. Bonach acquired 19,167 shares through two transactions that began on August 7th, and were officially filed today, August 11th. Bonach purchased these shares at average prices ranging from $7.38 to $16.36 per share. Following this transaction, Bonach holds a total of 436,066 shares in CNO Financial Group Inc (NYSE:CNO), the $3.55 billion market cap company. CNO is a holding company for a group of insurance companies operating throughout the United States, which develops, markets and administers health insurance, annuity, individual life…
Everest Re Group Ltd (NYSE:RE), saw an insider lower his holdings through a transaction that began August 8th and was officially filed today, August 11th. Director Roger M. Singer sold a a total of 1,332 shares of common stock at an average price of $157.56 per share. Following this transaction, Singer now has 8,668 shares directly invested into the company. A $10.92 billion market cap corporation, Everest Re Group Ltd (NYSE:RE), through its subsidiaries, is principally engaged in the underwriting of reinsurance and insurance in the United States, Bermuda and international markets. As well, the Company underwrites reinsurance both through brokers and directly with…
Old Line Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:OLBK), saw two insiders increase their positions in the company. Director Andre J. Gingles bought 700 shares of common stock at an average price of $14.23 per share; while Director Gregory S. Proctor Jr. purchased 500 shares at an average price of $14.15 per share. Following these transactions, Gingles directly holds 46,687 shares in the company; and Proctor Jr. has 38,937 invested in the corporation. Old Line Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:OLBK) is a $155.31 million market cap holding company of Old Line Bank (Bank). The Bank is engaged in a general commercial banking business, making various types of loans and…