Author: Daniel Forstein

Questcor Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:QCOR), saw a high level insider substantially lower his holdings in the company through a series of transactions that began last week on August 6th, continued on the 11th, and were officially filed today, August 13th. Officer Michael H. Mulroy sold a total of 10,000 shares of common stock at prices ranging from $92.07 through $92.77 per share. Following the completion of this transaction, Mulroy now has an overall portfolio containing 65,714 shares directly invested in this corporation. A $5.6 billion market cap goliath of a company, Questcor Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:QCOR) is a biopharmaceutical company that is focused on…

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Speed Commerce Inc (NASDAQ:SPDC), saw one of its high level insiders improve his position in the company through a transaction filed today, August 13th. President and Chief Executive Officer Richard Willis bought 15,000 shares at an average price of $27.3 per share. Following the completion of this transaction, Willis now holds a total of 550,467 shares directly in the company. Speed Commerce Inc (NASDAQ:SPDC), a $182.56 million market cap company that is a distributor and provider of complete logistics solutions to traditional and Internet-based retailers. The Company’s solutions support both direct-to-consumer (DTC) and business-to-business (B2B) sales channels. As well, the Company also publishes computer…

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Superior Uniform Group Inc (NASDAQ:SGC), saw one of its high level insiders increase his holdings with the company. Chairman Emeritus Gerald M. Benstock acquired 10,000 shares of common stock at an average price of $22.39 per share. Following this transaction, Benstock now has 85,956 shares directly invested in Superior Uniform Group Inc (NASDAQ:SGC), the $148.41 million market cap company that manufactures and sells a range of uniforms, corporate identity apparel, career apparel and accessories. The Company’s principally products include uniforms and service apparel for personnel of the hospitals and health facilities and other special purpose industrial uses. While the company generally operates without hedge…

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Cincinnati Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:CINF), saw one of its highest level Insiders increase his positioning with the company. Senior Vice President Stephen M. Spray bought 1,014 shares through 2 separate transactions at prices ranging from $41.62 to $46.59 per share. Following the filing of this transaction, Spray now has a total of 11,911 shares directly invested in Cincinnati Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:CINF), a $7.72 billion market cap company that is engaged in property casualty insurance marketed through independent insurance agents in 39 states. In addition, multiple hedge funds are involved with the corporation. Jean-Marie Eveillard’s First Eagle Investment Management reported a 1% rise in its activity last…

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Bioamber Inc (NYSE:BIOA), saw an insider increase his positioning with the company through two transactions officially filed today, August 12th. Director Kurt W. Briner sold a total of 2,980 shares at prices ranging from $11.3106 to $11.5 per share, and now has 36,180 shares directly invested into the company. As well, Bioamber Inc (NYSE:BIOA) is a $257.46 million market cap chemical company that manufactures its bio-succinic acid in a facility using a commercial scale 350,000 liter fermenter in Pomacle, France. Moreover, the Company produces and sells bio-succinic acid using its process for petroleum-derived succinic acid and has additional bio-based products under development with partners…

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Mohawk Industries, Inc. (NYSE:MHK), saw an insider lower his position in the company through a transaction that began yesterday and was officially filed today, August 12th. Chief Financial Officer Frank H. Boykin sold 1,025 shares at an average price of $135 per share, and now holds 30,005 shares directly and 155 shares indirectly in this $9.7 billion market cap company. In addition, there are multiple outside investors with the company. Andreas Halvorsen’s Viking Global fund reported a 286% increase in its activity last quarter, now holding 2,512,888 shares with a market value of about $341.7 million; while Select Equity Group, the hedge…

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Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE:OSK), watched as an insider rose his profile with the company through a transaction completed today, August 12th. Director Richard G. Sim purchased 5,650 shares at a wide range of prices, stretching from $7.95 to $36.95 per share. Following this transaction, Sim now has a total of 39,153.22 shares directly invested with the company. Moreover, Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE:OSK) is a $3.97 billion market cap powerhouse company that operates as a designer, manufacturer and marketer of a broad range of specialty vehicles and vehicle bodies. The Company partners with customers to deliver superior solutions that safely and efficiently move people and…

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MKS Instruments, Inc. (NASDAQ:MKSI), saw an insider improve his stakes in the company through a series of transactions first initiated last week on August 8th, and officially filed today, August 12th. Director Robert R. Anderson bought 5,931 shares at prices ranging from $15.84 to $24.35 per share. Following these purchases, Anderson now holds a total of 20,336.548 shares directly. A $1.72 billion market cap company, MKS Instruments, Inc. (NASDAQ:MKSI) is a provider of instruments, subsystems and process control solutions that measure, control, power, monitor and analyze parameters of manufacturing processes. It also provides services relating to the maintenance and repair of its products, software…

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Ingram Micro Inc. (NYSE:IM), saw one of its insiders decrease their exposure to the company. Executive Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel Larry C. Boyd sold 2,869 shares at an average price of $27.8217 per share. Following this transaction, Boyd now has a total of 66,596 shares directly invested in the company, while holding 1,443 shares indirectly. As well, Ingram Micro Inc. (NYSE:IM) is a $4.33 billion market cap company, that operates as a global information technology (IT) supply-chain management, mobile device lifecycle services and logistics solutions. In addition, there are multiple hedge funds involved with the company. Charles De Vaulx’s International Value Advisers rose…

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Straight Path Communications Inc (NYSE:STRP), saw two insiders lower their holdings with a company through a series of transactions that were officially filed today, August 12th. Chief Financial Officer Jonathan Rand sold 4,370 shares at an average price of $9.71 per share, while Chief Executive Officer and President Davidi Jonas disposed of 31,476 shares, also at an average price of $9.71 per share. Following these transactions, Rand now has 85,898 shares directly involved with the company; and Jonas now has a total of 269,132 shares directly. A $109.59 million market cap company, Straight Path Communications Inc (NYSE:STRP)  leases its holdings of 38 and 28…

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Willis Lease Finance Corporation (NASDAQ:WLFC), saw an insider drop his holdings with the company through a transaction completed today, August 12th. Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Stewart Bradley Forsyth sold 2,348 shares at an average price of $22.78 per share. Following the completion of this transaction, Forsyth now holds a total of 60,463 shares in the company directly. Willis Lease Finance Corporation (NASDAQ:WLFC) is a $193.51 million market cap company that, through its subsidiaries is a lesser of commercial aircraft engines. The Company engaged in acquiring and leasing pursuant to operating leases, commercial aircraft engines and related aircraft equipment and the…

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Sigma-Aldrich Corporation (NASDAQ:SIAL), saw a high level insider lower his holdings with the company today. Vice President and Corporate Controller Michael F. Kanan disposed of 668 shares at an average price of $101.93 per share. After the completion of this transaction, Kanan now has a total of 4,837.9292 shares directly and 1,525.965 shares indirectly invested in the company. A $12.1 billion market cap goliath company, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation (NASDAQ:SIAL) is a life science and high technology company that develops, manufactures, purchases and distributes the range of chemicals, biochemicals and equipment available globally and also provides global biopharmaceutical testing services. In addition, there is one hedge…

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