Author: Adnan Manazir

Have you ever wondered which are the most expensive bridges ever built? If you did, we would like to tell you about them today. Insider Monkey has created a list of eleven most expensive bridges ever built that we’re going to share with you. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article to find out about these bridges. Bridge building is a costly business, as evidenced by the 11 most expensive bridges ever built. The cost of building a bridge can often be astronomical, because of the tons of materials involved, the labor required to build the bridge and the…

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You might have heard about many noble prize winners but do you know about the youngest ones? If you don’t, we would like to tell you about them today. Insider Monkey has an article with a list of six youngest Nobel Prize winners that we’re going to share with you. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about these winners. The Nobel Prize was created by Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist and engineer, born in 1833. As of 1901, prizes were awarded in six categories: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace and economy. It is interesting to…

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Our world has people of many races living in different countries having different eating habits. Today we would like to tell you about the countries that spend the most on food. There’s an article on Insider Monkey which has a list of twenty five countries that spend the most on food: US Isn’t One Of ‘Em. Let’s take a look at the list to find out about these countries. While you might think that spending more on food is a positive statistic, the 25 countries that spend the most on food can assure you that isn’t true. Food is a…

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Mobile companies design cell phones by taking several things in mind. One of them is targeting different age groups. Mobile phones designed for senior group might have many different features than mobiles phones designed for the younger generation. For those of our fellows who are in search of easiest cells phones to use, we’ve something very interesting to share today. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article with a list of seven easiest cell phones to use: designed for seniors. Cell phones are more popular among seniors than you may think. In fact, 77% of them have a cell…

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You can find a lot of smartphones in the market offered by various brands with different specs but if you’re looking to buy one specifically with removable battery and SD card, we’ve something very useful to share with you. Insider Monkey has an article ready with a list of seven smartphones with removable battery and SD card. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about these smartphones. A whopping 64% of adults in the United States, have a smartphone, so you can understand how many features are important to them. The biggest part of these folks…

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Do you live in a happy state or the sad one? Have you ever heard about any of sad states? If you didn’t, we would like to tell you about many of them today. Insider Monkey has an article ready with a list of eleven saddest states in America that we’re going to share with you. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article to find out about these states and see if you’re state is one of them. We all know that sad people are depressed. According to Healthline, 1 in 10 residents of the United States has depression.…

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Are you searching for the easiest coins to mine on a normal computer? If yes, then you’ve come to the exactly right place because we can tell you about them today. There’s an article on Insider Monkey which has a list of six easiest coins to mine: crypto-currencies mining on a normal computer that we’re going to share with you. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about them. Crypto-currencies have become a hot potato for economists and government officials alike since they were first introduced to us back in 2009 through BitCoin, which up to…

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We can find lots of free apps for our smartphones as app markets are getting bigger and bigger with new apps everyday. For those who don’t want to use their energy in finding the best free apps which is just like looking for a great fish in the sea, we’ve something very useful to share. If you’re looking for some cool Android apps, Insider Monkey has done the research work for you and created a list of thirteen coolest free Android apps in 2015 that you’re going to like very much. So, let’s read Insider Monkey’s article to find out…

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Eating unhealthy food can result in food poisoning or some serious health problems but some countries make sure that the only healthy food is available to the people by taking valuable food safety measures. Today we would like to tell you about the countries with the best food safety in the world. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article to find out about the list of these countries. The countries with the best food safety in the world have realized the importance of nutrition and health for its citizens. Estimates suggest that there is currently enough food being produced…

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For Empire Total War lovers, we’ve something very interesting to share today. There’s an article on Insider Monkey which can tell you about the six easiest countries to play as in Empire Total War that you’re going to like very much. So, let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about these countries. Fifth Total War series’ installment; Empire Total War doesn’t offer a lot of options when choosing playable nations and we’ll give you the priceless info on which of the 12 playable factions are 6 easiest countries to play as in Empire Total War. Set…

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Do you know about the world’s most expensive cities to live in 2015? If you don’t know yet, we would like to tell you about them today. Insider Monkey has compiled a list of twenty most expensive cities to live in the world in 2015 that we are going to share with you. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article to find out about these cities. The 20 most expensive cities to live in the world in 2015 also tend to be among the most well-developed cities in the world. Everyone dreams of living in a city with a…

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For those who love the abstract paintings, we’ve something very interesting to share today. If you’re searching for the world’s most expensive abstract paintings, we can tell you about them. There’s an article on Insider Monkey which has a list of ten most expensive abstract paintings in the world. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about these paintings. What are the most expensive abstract paintings in the world? I know that deep down inside you’re pretty certain you can churn out an ‘abstract’ painting. There’s a community out there who sees value in abstract work,…

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