Author: Adnan Manazir

Do you know about the major threats to biodiversity and ecosystem? If you don’t know yet, there’s nothing to worry about because we can tell you about them today. Insider Monkey has an article with a list of eight major threats to biodiversity and ecosystem. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about these threats. What are the major threats to biodiversity and ecosystem today? Before answering this question, let’s take a look at figures showing the current state of biodiversity. Biodiversity is a term that encompasses all forms of life on Earth – from microorganisms…

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Have you ever wondered which the largest deserts in the world are?  If you did, we would like to tell you about them today but before that, do you like to make any guesses? We can bet that you won’t be able to guess #1. To find out about them, let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article which has a list of eleven largest deserts in the world. The 11 largest deserts in the world are often bigger than many countries in the world.  Our image of a desert has long since been that of a plain, arid land,…

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Are you searching for the most advanced countries in Africa? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place because we can tell you about these countries today. Insider Monkey has compiled a list of ten most advanced countries in Africa that we would like to share with you. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article to find out about these countries. What are the most advanced countries in Africa? We recently covered the 10 most advanced countries in information technology, but now let’s see where we can place African countries when it comes to measuring standards of living,…

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Do you live in one of the countries with highest average temperature in the world? Consider yourself lucky if you don’t because it could be lot hotter than you can imagine. There’s an article on Insider Monkey with a list of eleven countries with highest average temperature in the world that we’re going to share with you. Let’s take a look at the list to find out about these countries. Average air temperature is quite a complex category as it depends on myriad factors, hence this list of 11 countries with highest average temperature in the world wasn’t exactly easy…

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Infrastructure plays a vital role in the success of a country’s economy as it makes the transportation of goods easy and smooth. Today we would like to tell you about the countries with the best road infrastructure in the world. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article with a list of 11 countries that have the best road infrastructure in the world. As we are going to talk about the 11 Countries with the Best Road Infrastructure in the World, it would be a good idea to take you on the road to understanding what infrastructure means. Infrastructure can…

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India is no doubt an amazing country with lots of places to visit and have fun and if you’re trying to find out about the fastest growing cities in India, you’ve come to the right place because Insider Monkey has an article ready with a list of six fastest growing cities in India in 2015 that we would like to share with you today. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about these cities. Looking for the fastest growing cities in India in 2015? Then you found the right place to know more about the country…

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Being delicate, coral species are not so easy to grow and maintain but still if you’re looking for the easier ones, we can tell you about them. Insider Monkey has an article ready with a list of six easiest coral species to grow and maintain for beginners that we would like to share with you. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about them. If you want to become a coral reefer and learn how to grow corals and how to maintain them, we will help you by listing the 6 easiest coral species to grow…

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For those who are interested in graphic design and looking for some affordable schools in the United States, we’ve something very useful to share today. Insider Monkey has done the research work for you and created a list of eleven most affordable graphic design schools in the United States that is going to help you in making the selection of your school. So, let’s read the article to find out about these schools. With the ever rising importance of design in modern advertising and business, graphic designing is fast becoming one of the most coveted degrees in the US. There…

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Whether you are a heavy drinker or an occasional one, if you prefer the quality over everything else, we’ve something very interesting to share with you. Today, we would like to tell you about the world’s best alcoholic drinks. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article which has a list of ten most expensive alcoholic drinks in the world. For the love of booze, are you willing to spend a grand so you can buy one of the most expensive alcoholic drinks in the world? Whether you are a professional liquor collector, an alcohol expert, or a simple person…

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If you’re searching for the easiest decades to dress up as and the best Halloween costumes, you’ve come to the exactly right place because we can tell you about them today. There’s an article on Insider Monkey which has a list of six easiest decades to dress up as: best Halloween costumes that we would like to share with you. So, let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about them. Admit it or not, the yearly Halloween costume party bothers you as much as everyone else. Procrastinating on what to wear during your Halloween program is…

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For those who are in search of the highest paid medical residency programs in the United States, we’ve something very useful to share today. Insider Monkey has done the research work for you and created a list of twelve highest paid medical residency programs in the United States. Let’s read Insider Monkey’s article to find out about these programs. What are the highest paid medical residency programs in the US? I’m making an internal bet that if you’re reading this, there’s an 85% likelihood that you’re Indian. If you’re white, or something else but not Indian and reading this, then…

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For those who are planning to relocate and live in Australia, we’ve something very useful to share today. Insider Monkey has an article ready with a list of ten most expensive cities to live Australia that is going to be quite helpful in making your moving decision. So, let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article to find out about these cities. Initially named “New Holland”, Australia traces its beginnings when a penal colony was founded by the British in 1788. Considered both a sovereign state and a continent, mainland Australia is the 6th largest country in the world. With…

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