Author: Abby Ahmed

This planet is our home, no matter which country we belong to, we cannot yet move beyond the boundaries of Earth. Therefore, it would only make sense if we behave accordingly. Unfortunately, even though we say that this planet is our home, but only a few people actually act as such. Most people are concerned with the place they live in and that’s all, they do not care for the rest of the planet. Even what is happening at the outskirts of their own city does not concern them at all. That being said, it is only natural that we…

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Retirement is just another phase of life. It is quite understandable when it comes to retirement, people tend to have polar opinions about it. Some really look forward to retirement, and others just do not want to talk about it. Well, with retirement comes the problem of making less money than you used to, but it also entails a lot of privileges that a working person just cannot imagine of having. That being said, in your golden years, you definitely have to make sure a hassle free and laid back life. With that in mind, our researchers have gone through…

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Dairy products make up a good amount of our daily diet. If you happen to be a fitness freak, you might try to avoid dairy products, but for the rest of the population, we just cannot begin a day without butter and bread. Did you know that butter was first made from the milk of goat and/or sheep? Well, as it turns out, we domesticated sheep and goat well over a thousand years before we actually managed to domesticate cattle. Another interesting trivia about butter is that in some parts of the world, like in Africa and Western Asia, butter…

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Our quest for a cleaner, renewable and efficient source of energy is nothing new. Our heavy dependence on fossil fuel for energy has taken its toll on the environment. Unless we come up with something really extraordinary and soon, we will be plunged into a global disaster. Meanwhile, scientists have come up with some brilliant ideas to solve this energy crisis momentarily. But, we are still in pursuit of the ultimate solution to our energy problem. That being said, among all the stopgap measures that we are currently taking to address our energy problem, perhaps the hydroelectric power plants are…

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We humans started out as a species of gatherers and hunters. In ancient times, we used to forage for food into the surrounding jungles, and also hunted small to medium sized game when opportunity presented itself. But when we eventually begin farming, it marked a new beginning for us as a species. Even to this day, we rely on farming to get the food we need. Of course, with time the farming techniques have changed drastically. Especially through genetic engineering, we are now able to produce higher yield per unit of land than ever before in history. Now let’s talk…

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Honey is one of the most ancient delicacies, historians have found evidence that prove honey hunting began as early as 6 thousand years BCE. Apart from its wonderful taste and flavor, honey has been used throughout the world not only as a food, but also as talisman of religious value and as a symbol of sweetness. In most major religions of the world today, honey has a significant spot in holy scripts and texts. It is also believed that honey possesses some therapeutic properties as well. Even today, many parts of the world, honey is prescribed by natural healers for…

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When it comes to versatility, hardly any other food item can beat the juice. There are so many kinds of them. Let alone all the various kinds of fruits, we even make juices from the vegetables. In fact, the tomato juice is much better when it comes to core nutrients than the apple juice. Well, have you ever wanted to know about the juice crazy nations of the world? If you have, then this article will answer your question. Our researchers have gone through heaps of data to identify and then rank the world’s top juice producing thus exporting countries.…

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We know that our readers come from all walks of life, this is why we tend to cover a diverse range of topics that would not only keep our readers entertained but also help them with their query. Well, today we will be talking about retirement destinations overseas, to be specific, we will be talking about the most desirable places in Australia for US citizens to retire. First things first, even though Australia is a huge country, but most of it is covered in inhabitable desert. Therefore, the real-estate available in Australia is mostly coastal. Which is definitely a good…

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Perhaps tobacco is the most abused narcotic substance in the world. And it has been that way for a long time. The good thing is, the effect of tobacco is far less intense than other narcotic substances. This is why, the tobacco consumption is legal almost everywhere in the world, save for an age restriction like alcohol. Tobacco is consumed in many ways, and the most popular is cigarettes and cigars. Apart from that, chewing tobacco is also very popular among consumers. The tobacco trade is a booming prospect in the world today. Some countries of the world are leading…

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Warren Edward Buffett needs no introduction, he has proven to the entire world how amazing is investment skills are. He is widely regarded as the most successful investor of all time. Naturally, he often appears in the list of the world’s wealthiest people. The great thing about him is that he basically has a heart of gold, he announced that he will donate 99 percent of his wealth for philanthropic causes. That being said, let us get along with today’s topic. Mr. Buffett made a fortune by making good investments. And he also wants to share his knowledge with the…

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This age of information technology is filled with unique opportunities, and also threats. But in today’s article we will only be talking about the awesome opportunities await you. Yes, computers are everywhere, form the spacefaring rockets to the cash registers of the most mundane of shops, computers dominate this time and age. It is only natural that entire industries would start to emerge surrounding computers. Our researchers have done a good job of finding business ideas for bold entrepreneurs who are looking for an opportunity. Of course, some business ideas are more profitable than others, and the article I am…

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It is no news that we are seriously looking for new sources of energy. Not only because or dependence on burning fossil fuel for energy is talking a massive toll on the environment, but also we are running out of usable fossil fuel reserves. It is only a matter of time that we totally run out of this resource, therefore time is of the essence and we must figure out a cleaner, renewable source of energy to sustain ourselves. Now that being said, things are not totally grim when it comes to sources of renewable energy. Scientists have come up…

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