Author: Abby Ahmed

So, you are quite adventurous type I presume. Since you are reading through this article, that means you do consider Alaska as your retirement destination. Well, the state is not called the last frontier just for the name sake. It is in fact rather wild, remote and most certainly not for everybody. Just look at the golf course Muskeg Meadows. It is a renowned 9 hole golf course in the town of Wrangell, all golfers must abide by the raven rule, if a ball is stolen by a raven then the player may replace it without penalty, provided you can…

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California is one of the top favorite states of US retirees. If you look at the numbers, you will understand what I mean. Over the last few decades, this amazing state has attracted more retirees than any other neighboring states. It is quite understandable why you would pick California as your retirement destination. However, that being said, California is a big state, and if you are not from California originally, finding out the best place for retirees could be a little troublesome. With that in mind, our researchers have done most of the work for you. If you are really…

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Everyone holds the thought of retiring in a wonderful place dear to their hearts. Well, even though retirement means that you no longer will be receiving a salary, but that does not mean you will not be making money. There are really amazing schemes for retirees through which they can keep earning money after retirement. But this article is not about those things, as the title suggests, this article is about the amazing places in Denver where you might consider retiring. If you are originally from Denver, then you may like to go back to your home town, but if…

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To be honest, flowers do not bloom so that we can bask in their mesmerizing beauty. Flowers are merely a technique employed by the plants to attract insects. But, who cares about the details, we love flowers and this is why there is why flower production is a global industry. As the name suggests, cut flowers are basically flowers that have been severed from the plant and are ready to be used as a decoration. Flowers go well with any sort of social gathering, be it a marriage or a party, and in some countries flowers even hold religious significance.…

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If you are looking for a place in Illinois that matches your above average earning potential, then you are in luck. Some of the most expensive places in terms of cost of living is the United States is in Illinois. Or perhaps you got a good job offer from somewhere in Illinois and you just looked at the pay and thought the pay is much better than what you are making right now, then you might want to make sure that the city you are moving into is not on this particular list. Because, even with the bump in your…

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We all love to think and say that we are all for peace and harmony. But deep down we do fear that someday, if we are unlucky enough, someday very soon all of this is going to fall prey to chaos and destruction. And, we will try our level best to kill each other in a bloody war, probably for some stupid reason. And this is where the weapons come in. Every nation in the world is trying to protect its own interest, and therefore investing heavily in the military industry. Scientists speculate that if we unleash all the weapons…

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The tomato is undoubtedly one of the most liked and widely consumed vegetables. Well, technically the tomato is a fruit, but as regarding tomatoes as vegetables has pretty much become the norm. There are some who do not like the taste of it, but I assure you compared to us who love it, their numbers are rather slim. That being said, I am sure you are already familiar with the ways we consume tomatoes. You name it, soup, juice, raw, in sweet dishes, in sour dishes, in hot dishes, the list just goes on and on. This versatility of tomato…

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Uranium was not of significant importance up to the Second World War. But, we all know now what awesome power lies within this mysterious radioactive metal. Thankfully, after the events of the Second World War, we managed to harness the power of uranium and used it for peaceful purposes. There are several nuclear reactors in the United States that produce a massive amount of electricity. Up until the recent years, the trading of uranium was government controlled, and out of bounds from private industries. However, things have changed, perhaps for the better. Now there is an established trading policy for…

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So, you have been thinking about the place you wish to spend your golden years in? Well, if you have not been putting enough thought into it, I think the earlier you start the better. Retirement is a fact of life, and eventually there will come a time when you will no longer be able to or want to work anymore. If you are not prepared for that day, things could get really ugly really quickly. The good thing is, if you utilize your years properly, retirement will not be an issue at all. Yes, there will be some changes…

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A few days back we did a similar article on Mr. Warren Buffett and focused on the books that he would want his admirers to read. In this article we will be focusing on book recommendations of Mr. Bill Gates. Mr. Gates too has been in the list of world’s richest people many times. But, unlike Mr. Buffett, he did not make his fortune through investment, rather he is a tech genius who revolutionized the world of computers with the world’s most solid operating system the Microsoft Windows. The Microsoft Windows is the first operating system to popularize graphical interface…

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Most often you will see that the simplest of food is the best for your health. This is definitely true when it comes to nuts, in this case walnuts. The walnut is a perfect neat little package containing protein, healthy fats, fiber, plant sterols, antioxidants, and many vitamins and minerals. Research results indicate that in order to benefit from this amazing nut, you merely need to consume an ounce a day. That is roughly equivalent of seven shelled walnuts a day. Just imagine, with this bare minimum amount of walnut, you can achieve a lot of health benefits. Consuming walnuts…

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We need energy to survive, and as of now we are pretty much dependent on fossil fuel for generating energy. Well, some countries do have access to nuclear power, but that only amounts to a tiny fraction of the energy requirement of the entire world. The main problem with burning fossil fuel to get energy is that it produces a huge amount of heat-trapping or greenhouse gases. And carbon dioxide is one of those gases. This massive amount of carbon emission is gradually destroying the Earth’s atmosphere, and if necessary steps are not taken soon enough, the world will be…

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