Author: Abby Ahmed

We clearly have become the dominant species of the planet, and we have conquered even the moon. That said, when it comes to energy, we are still kind of dependens on what our planet has to offer. Namely the fossil fuels. And one major type of fossil fuel is coal. Before the invention of engines that utilized internal combustion, our industry and technology was solely dependent on steam engines, and coal was the number one choice as a fuel for those engines. However, things have certainly changed for the better. And today we are heavily reliant on petroleum to run…

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America is the land of the free people. Even though some social practices may be taboo and even illegal in some parts of the world, America has embraced them. Today, we will be talking about homosexuality. There was a time when being homosexual was punishable by death in most parts of the world, and even today it is at some place. But, as you are probably aware, homosexuality is no longer treated as a taboo in the United States of America. So, it is no surprise that people who are openly gay or lesbian are more concentrated in the United…

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So you are considering New Hampshire as your retirement destination? Well, I must say that New Hampshire as a retirement destination has a lot of promise. First off, if you are a foodie and like seafood in particular, then you are going to absolutely love New Hampshire, as it is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east, it has a booming fishing industry. And New Hampshire is also well known for its amazing maple syrup. If you are looking for some physical activity, then you just cannot go wrong with skiing, and New Hampshire offers ample opportunity for that…

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It is paramount to put some thought into your retirement as you are still far away from it. Failing to plan ahead can lead to a lot of complications during retirement, and trust me, you do not what that to happen. Now since you are showing interest in this article, I think I can safely say that you are really interested in retiring somewhere in Massachusetts. Well, Massachusetts is a great place to live in. The bay state is well known for its rich culture and historical significance. The people there are some of the most proud American you can…

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If you have been working really hard throughout your work life, then you are probably prepared and geared up for enjoying your golden years in retirement. Yes, retirement is a fact of life, and everyone must face this phase, whether he/she is prepared for it or not. It is always better to plan for retirement in advance and make savings accordingly, or else, things could really get awkward. As you can tell, the major issue with retirement is the financial uncertainty that comes with it. However, another key decision that you must make about your retirement is the place where…

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For the most of us, money is the thing that makes us wake up and get out of bed every morning. I am not saying that all of us are extremely greedy, but we must make enough to pay off the bills and then secure a living. I am sure you already know how difficult it is to make money, and naturally we employ our almost other worldly ingenuity to make the process as easy as possible for us. And this is where money counterfeiting comes into play. By definition, money is a common medium of exchange, and if we…

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Ever since the inception of smartphones, they have been rather dissatisfactory when it comes to battery life. It is the only area the smartphones fall short compared to the rudimentary mobile phones of the bygone era. Apart from packing a monstrous processing power, modern smartphones also have to accommodate for a large HD screen, and all of that requires a lot of power to run. The old phones did not have that issue as they were fairly simple machines with minimal power requirements. Some modern smart phones are more powerful than an average desktop computer. Now one way to deal…

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I do not know about you, but I personally think that achieving celebrity status is enough for an entire life’s work. But, clearly the celebrities think otherwise, at least some of them. And this is why, despite having pretty much everything a person could wish for from life, they go on to achieve new highest. Today, we will be taking a look at some multi-talented people who became celebrities and after that went on to become very successful entrepreneurs as well. Their understanding of the business world seems nothing short of amazing. Of course they had a little leverage going…

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The Rhode Island is not named the ocean state for nothing. If you are a seafood lover, and want to enjoy all the delicacies that the sea has to offer at a reasonable price, then Rhode Island is where you need to be. That said, Rhode Island has over 400 miles of coastline accounting for amazing real state with majestic views of the ocean. And I think, retiring to such a place can be really soothing both to the mind and body. After all, retirement is the only time a person finally gets to kick back and relax a little…

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If you are not familiar with medical jargon, then the term Anesthesiologists may seem a little confusing. Well, most people without a medical background figure that the doctor operating on a patient or the surgeon is responsible for administering the anesthesia, and to some extent it is true as well. However, when complex operation is about to take place, where the life of the patient can be in significant danger, the help of an Anesthesiologist is employed. Now this guy is basically a doctor who has a specialization on administering anesthesia to patients. They do not perform the surgery themselves,…

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The best way to relax after a hard day of work is to have a sound and peaceful sleep. Yes, we can go to work every day without fail because we spend almost half of our life sleeping. We spend a lot of money and effort buying things and decorating our houses, but most of us hardly ever spend more than absolutely necessary on bed accessories. Perhaps the reason behind this is that we do not really feel things after we go to sleep, but we do feel when we have slept well and when we have not. My point…

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The article is going talk about the amazing organization Level 39, which is Europe’s largest technology accelerator space for finance, cyber-security, retail and smart-city technology companies. If you are based in Europe, and are about to start up a company, regardless the scope, you can definitely benefit from the facilities that Level 39 offers. Our researchers have taken it upon themselves to look back at the company’s past achievements, and future potential and then present all that to our readers in order to create an amazing article that will be very high in infotainment value. If you are looking for…

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