Author: Abby Ahmed

Road accidents are terrible events that we wish4 no one had to ever experience. But unfortunately, road accidents are cause of hundreds of thousands of causalities around the world. At insider monkey, we thought this is as good a time as any to raise awareness about this issue. Of course, developed countries are way better off in terms of road infrastructure and enforcement of traffic laws and regulations, but developing and especially under developed countries are extremely vulnerable to road accidents and road fatalities. Our researchers have done a great job of finding out these road accident prone countries and…

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Bottled water business is booming right now. Healthy living is essential to prolong our lives and to maximize our energy output. One essential part of healthy living is to eat and drink healthy. At your home, you can always rely on your water reserve for healthy and clean drinking water, but many city dwellers these days spend a large portion of the day on the move or en-route. During this period it is essential to keep hydrated and this is where these bottled water brands come in. Depending on your preference of bottled water brands, you can end up spending…

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Aquaponics is a revolutionary technique where you can raise fish and plats together. So basically aquaponics is an umbrella term that covers any system that combines aquaculture and hydroponics together. If you have some space you would like to use productively and raise a batch of fish along side vegetables or herbs then adopting this type of system can be really beneficial for you. Of course, you will need additional training if you are already not well adept in aquaponics to begin with, but we can say with great certainty that your effort and financial investments will be worth it.…

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Christianity is one of the biggest religion in the world, and there are two major sects of Christianity Catholicism and Protestantism. As you can see from the title, today we will be talking about the countries where most of the Catholic population of the world live today. Not just that, we also made sure to include the metric of church attendance, that means not only a lot of people in these countries identify themselves as Catholics but they also practice their religion to the fullest. If you are a religious person, especially a Catholic and you want to live in…

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So the the first question we must answer is, who is an influencer? Basically an influencer is a person who can affect the opinion and decision of others through various means. Take you friend for example, who knows a lot about technology and whenever you want to buy something electronic you ask his or her opinion on the matter. In this given scenario, your friend acts as an influencer. You know him or her to be good at this, so you can base your purchase decision on their opinion. So basically, today we will be talking about New Yorkers who…

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The circumcision is considered to be the world’s first surgical procedure practiced widely all over the world. Although, how and why it came to be is still debated and we do not have a definitive answer to that. But that does not change the fact that this practice precedes recorded history and is still carried out today. Apart from medical reasons, the circumcision is also carried out for religious or cultural reasons around the world. Of course, we are talking about the male circumcision here, the female circumcision is illegal and unethical and should be stopped, it is also a…

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Smoking is a very bad habit, I am sure you already knew that. Please consider quitting smoking, and you will love it. This is coming from an ex-smoker, I have been a smoker for 15 years, but finally I have managed quit smoking and I feel healthy and happy. Anyway, I am sure you did not click on the link because you want to quit smoking, but I just could not pass up the opportunity to talk about it in brief. If you are looking for online sources to buy cigarettes legally, then I am sure our today’s article will…

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If you love playing games on your android device, then you will certainly love to know about these free games. As you can see from the title, these games comes closest to completely free to play as possible. The thing is, developers spend a considerable amount of time making a game and this is how they make a living. If they want to make money from their products, they are well within their right to do so. Normally, in case of free to play games where you do not have to pay upfront for the download, developers will have you…

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In light of the recent presidential election results, there were many concerns regarding the future of the thriving LGBT community in the United States. However, most of those fears have been assuaged by the actions of the Trump government. This is what appears to be true for the time being, but what the future holds is still shrouded in darkness. Anyway, today we are going to talk about the 12 most LGBT friendly states in America. If you belong to the proud community of LGBT, and you do not want to be judged by others based on your sexual orientation,…

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There are a lot of saltwater lakes around the world, some are massive and some are well not that massive. But as with human nature, we are all attracted towards huge and larger than life things. Saltwater lakes are no exception here as well. This is why we have decided to give you the names of the 12 largest saltwater lakes in the world. The hing about lakes is that their size is not constant, sometimes water levels may rise and make the lake grow in size and sometimes the water level may decrease shrinking the overall size of the…

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Medical science has advanced a lot and “fixing” your body is no longer a problem for medical science. If you are unhappy about certain parts of your body, let’s say how your natural breasts looks then you can easily schedule a augmentation surgery for a certain fee. There are no legal issues regarding this, and such surgeries are being performed all over the world. However, there are religious and moral issues against such practices, but for this article let’s not go over there. As you can see from the title, today we will talk about a few countries where breast…

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Okay, before we even begin, I must admit that there is a controversy regarding bottle water brands. The controversy goes that humans have lived happy and long without drinking bottled water for millennia. Of course, it is absolutely essential to drink clean and safe water, but do we really need all the additional stuff that the bottle water brands put in their products? They just mix a lot of additional stuff with the water and charge a premium for it, what is wrong with just clean and sterile water? Now since that’s out of the way, let’s talk about taste.…

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