Author: Abby Ahmed

There is little doubt that the United States of America is the most influential and powerful country in the world. Therefore, who gets to be the president of the United States is of great importance. For much of the country’s history, there have been just two dominant parties in the US. The republicans and the Democrats. Even though, it seems that this “two party” system is the political not in the US but there have been presidential candidates from other parties as well. Also, there have been independent candidates too, if you are interested about the political history of the…

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Since you have shown interest in this article, I am certain that you already probably own an amazon echo, or thinking about getting one soon enough. But for the sake of things, I will give a brief intro of amazon echo. The amazon echo is basically a smart speaker, and it has the ability to integrate itself with other smart devices that you own. If you are thinking that this is just another Bluetooth speaker, then I must say that amazon echo is nothing like a mere Bluetooth speaker. Amazon echo is basically our first ever glimpse into the future…

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Most countries in the world today lean towards democracy when it comes to government. However, that does not mean there are no dictatorships around the world. In fact, some countries are employing dictatorship under the guise of democracy. If you are interested in international politics, I am sure you will love the article that our researchers at insider monkey’s blog page put together. Thanks to the internet, information regarding these countries were not that hard to come by. Of course, most of these countries are quite secretive, but still people living there have ways to pass information through. But that…

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Halloween just ended, so you probably already have your fill of all spooky and creep stuff already. But as you know, everything about Halloween is made up, but our today’s article topic is definitely not something to scoff at. These killers were never caught, and this is pretty disturbing. If you are faint of heart, I would recommend something merrier, and cheerful, which you can easily find if you look around a bit on our website. However, if you are curious enough, you will get to read some truly gruesome real life tales. I am sure you already know about…

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Art is an inseparable part of humanity. As long as humanity existed, art has existed as well. Art has many shapes and forms, but for this particular article, we will only focus on paintings. Over the centuries, we have been graced by the works of great painters. And today we will take a look at most famous paintings of all time. Around the world, art collectors pay millions of dollars each year in order to buy paintings by famous artists. However, the paintings that actually made our list could be considered priceless, as most of them are owned by museums…

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Nuts are an amazing source of nutrients. As long as you are not allergic to them of course. Hazel nut in particular is quite common around the world. It is cultivated almost everywhere, however countries that cultivate hazel nuts in bulk quantities are few. Hazel nut has a lot of economic potential, I am sure that you are well aware of how huge the chocolate industry is, and hazelnut is one of the major components for making chocolates. Almost 80% of the entire hazelnut production is used up by the chocolate manufacturing companies around the world. At the end of…

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Minecraft is a game that grants the player a lot of freedom. Basically the player is free to do whatever he or she wants to do in game. There are basically no rules regarding how the game should be played. And thanks to the highly enthusiastic Modding community, there will always be something new about minecraft, even after years of its original release. While it is true that minecraft was not the first ever survival themed game out there, but it was definitely the title that popularized the genre. Naturally, the internet took interest in the game, and a following…

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If you like travelling, and want to make a career out of it, then our today’s article is going to make your day. Well, there is hardly anyone who would not want to see new places every now and then and on top of it get paid for it. The thing is, if you are passionate about your job and pretty good at it, then the jobs listed in today’s article will definitely help you. But truth be told, the competition for these jobs is going to be fierce, as you can probably imagine. But, they are not totally out…

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The internet and modern computers have totally changed how to go about lives today. And perhaps the next phase is going to be cloud computing, mean that we will no longer need to install software locally on our computers, rather we will rely on cloud computing. Many believe that the chrome book, the new breed of laptops, that rely heavily on cloud computing is the way forward. Instead of Windows or Mac OS, these machines run on Google’s Chrome OS. A brand new type of operating system that gives us the freedom to use online resources with a greater degree…

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In the world of business, time and information is money. The sooner you manage to get hold or transmit a piece of crucial information, the better off you are than the competition. We have managed to shrink down computers to the size of our palm, and this is why this article is very important for any business person. You are going to have a smartphone on you anyway, why not use this extremely convenient device for business purposes? Given the current market condition it is highly likely that you own an android device, and this is why we have done…

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When it comes to entertainment for the whole family, you just cannot go wrong with Disney. Most Disney movies always have something for the entire family. Even though, many people think that Disney movies are only suitable for kinds, but Walt Disney Company have been consistently producing movies that could be enjoyed both by adults and the children. It is true that The Walt Disney Company started off as a kinds only company, but things have changed quite a lot over the past few decades. Disney movies always tend to have a great story and an assortment of very interesting…

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Long distance travel has never been this easy. Thanks to modern aircrafts, you can now travel across the world in less than a day. Not only that, aircrafts have become one of the safest ways to travel from point A to point B. Naturally, airports across the world are now among the busiest places. In some airports, multiple aircrafts land and leave the runway in a single minute. If you are thinking about spending a few minutes reading, then I highly recommend that you check out our main article about this fascinating topic. The article is full of quality infotainment,…

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