Author: Abby Ahmed

We try very hard to look our best, not just to impress others, but this is a part of being human and belonging to a society. Although, the perception of beauty varies from culture to culture, but healthy hair seems to be a constant when it comes to the concept beauty.  And also a well-toned body. Our today’s article is quite important if you are suffering from unnatural hair loss, or working on fine tuning your body. Today we will be talking about a very important substance in our body, namely the Amino acids. As you know our bodies are…

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The motorcycle began its life as a steam powered safety bicycle sometime in the second half of the 19th century. But it is very difficult to pin it to a particular machine as being the first, since the idea of a powered bicycle seem to have occurred all over Europe around the same time. Enough about the history of motorcycles, let’s get into the present. Motorcycles may have begun their journey as machines designed for convenience, but nowadays motorcycles are not just convenient personal transports, but they have transcended to the position of status symbol and also a kind of…

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Musicals are not for everyone. Naturally, the genre garners much less fan following that conventional genres. But there was a time when musicals were the main attraction in mainstream media. However, over time Musicals have kind of become a niche. But thankfully, despite being a niche genre, there is a big enough following of musicals. And every year quite a few amazing musicals get released. Not only in Hollywood, but also from other countries as well. But today we will only look at Musicals that got released here in the United States. If you are a fan of the genre…

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If you are thinking about swapping out your old laptop, then the article we are going to talk about today will help you a lot. Just like smartphones, there are a lot of options out there in the laptop market as well. But the thing is, regardless of your budget you want to get the best laptop for the money. And given the overwhelming amount of choices, achieving that can be really very difficult. Since the laptop is not something new to the market, you already have a list of things you must have in your laptop. The thing is,…

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The fine arts is an inseparable part of our culture. Especially paintings have been around for a very long time. In fact the earliest form of historical record we have, are from the cave paintings. But we are not going to talk about cave paintings today. We are going to talk about some famous painting done by immensely gifted artists. Apart from being nearly priceless, these paintings have a great story behind them. And our today’s effort is dedicated towards uncovering these stories and sharing them with our readers. Did you ever look at a painting and thought about finding…

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Music is all about expressing your emotions and feelings. No wonder there are so many mainstream genres of music, since everyone is different, so it makes sense that they would pursue different means of expressing themselves. If you like rap music, or just music in general, then the article we have for you will definitely be of use to you. Did you know that more than a century before rap music made it big in the United States, West African musicians were singing and telling stories with the beat of merely a drum. Also, singers from the Caribbean practiced rap…

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The service of the law is an immense responsibility, whether he/she be a police officer, or a lawyer in court. Whenever there is oppression of the innocent, these dedicated men and women uphold the rule of law. We are extremely grateful for their service to the community and country. Today we will take a look at the most successful and influential lawyers. These people have made a career by upholding the rule of law, and in the process helped thousands to get justice. The life of a lawyer is anything but easy. You can understand how difficult at times the…

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When it comes to smartphone there are two competitors really, almost like when it comes to personal computers. But here the consumer base is split between iOS by Apple and Android by Google. To be perfectly honest, in terms of sheer numbers Android users makes up the larger portion of the market. Not only because Android devices are very affordable, but also for the fact that Android has much more third party support. Since you have shown interest in the article it is highly likely that you own at least one android run device. So, if that is the case…

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The year 2016 is almost at its end. I think this is the time to look at things that happened this year and then think about the future. Today we will take a look at the world from the perspective of economics. How did the world do in terms of GDP to be more specific. We also did a similar list at the end of last year, do take a look at that if possible as well. That will help you to look at things from a broadened perspective. I am certain that you are already sure of a few…

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Google is everywhere, be it education, business or science, anything that involves innovation, Google is there to lend a helping hand. Google did not become the world’s largest company just by thinking about profit. Well, Google does make a huge amount of money, but they are also generous enough to give back some of it in the form of social welfare. Google has designed a lot of apps for helping out schools around the world. Thanks to the power of the Internet, anyone with access to the internet can access these apps, students and teachers alike. Needless to say these…

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When it comes to successful advertising, nothing beats a good TV commercial. But the advert for DOS EQUIS beer became so successful that the actor hired for the job Jonathan Goldsmith is known to even those who do not drink beer at all. The campaign showed great promise when it first began in 2007, and throughout the decade made headlines all over the marketing world. The social media popularize several memes featuring Jonathan Goldsmith. Unfortunately for Jonathan Goldsmith, he is no longer the most interesting man in the world, in this year’s October, DOS EQUIS showed off their newest most…

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Coupons have been around for a long time. It is a very good strategy to attract potential customers, and studies show that having a coupon often influence the buyer’s purchase decision. In the world of sales, promotion is everything. If the product is marketed well, and people are aware of it, then the sales are bound to go up. The coupons are doing just that, the company pays some money back to the consumers instead of paying it to an advert agency. It is really surprising how much saving, you can get, if you keep a few coupons handy. Every…

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