Author: Abby Ahmed

Life is definitely not fair, no matter what we do, we seem to find ourselves in sticky situations ever so often. Now that said, the people we are going to talk about today have had exceptionally good luck compared to us mere mortals. These extremely lucky few have managed to accumulate huge amounts of wealth by practically doing nothing, save for being lucky of course. Yes, as the title says, we are going to talk about the lucky lottery winners today. Well, to be brutally honest the odds of winning significant sums of money through playing the lottery of some…

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The advent of the internet changed a lot of things. It also changed how companies nowadays reach out to their potential customers. It is only natural that the social media market is valued so highly today, compared to other traditional means of promoting products. I am sure you will agree that the most popular social networking website is Facebook. And Facebook did its fair share of advertisements as well. In fact, Facebook is very innovative when it comes to advertisements. Any business that wants to reach out to the world, should benefit for analyzing the advertisements run by Facebook. Our…

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Witchcraft, black magic and the occult have become rather a laughingstock nowadays. However, there was a time when these things were considered taboo, and even the slightest of interest in learning about them could land a person in serious peril. I am sure, you are all aware of the stories of witches being burned at the stake in the middle ages. Yes, people were that afraid of witches back in the day. And believed in their power to conjure up unspeakable horrors on unsuspecting victims. Today we will talk about the witches who are well-known in history. These witches were…

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Business is all about making the right decision at the right time. But, as you can imagine this is much easier said than done. To become successful an investor must be extremely accurate with his/her speculations. The more accurate he/she is with his/her predictions the more money the investment will bring in the end. Today we are going to take a look at the most successful investors in the world. If you are staring out with your investments, then I cannot recommend this article to you enough. The article is a chronicle of success stories around the world, and how…

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Impersonating a celebrity for laughs and giggles is extremely popular all around the world. It is also greatly appreciated among friends in the US as well. All it takes is a good impersonator and a few good lines, and before you know it everyone is laughing around you. But the most important thing is to do the job properly. Of course, it takes a great deal of skill to impersonate anyone, even more so for celebrities whom everyone knows. One crucial thing to take note of is which celebs are comparatively easy to impersonate, some celebs are much easier to…

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Karaoke is a great activity for any gathering. Whether it is a party that you are arranging or just a casual hangout with your close friends, you can always buff up the occasion by adding a bit of karaoke in the mix. If you have a playlist of your own for this purpose, then you are doing great, but if you are unsure about which songs to feature in your karaoke playlist, then I am certain the list I am about to talk about will definitely help you in your quest for the perfect karaoke list. One more thing I…

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Cannabis is a narcotic, and we do not encourage intake of such substance. The purpose of the article is just to represent some speculations to our readers about the legal status of cannabis and how might it change in the future depending on the speculations and educated guesses of our researchers. Cannabis is more commonly known as weed. We have been prone to narcotic addiction from ancient times, at first narcotic substances were only used as a medication or to generate euphoria while performing religious rituals. But soon after the addiction of such substances took hold, and nowadays such substances…

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Ok, first off I wish to say that this article is only aimed towards those who do not intent any harm, rather want to pull off some innocent prank with their friends. Please remember, that if you are caught using any of these methods to hack into someone’s personal and sensitive information, you could be charged and tried under federal law. This is obviously a felony, but when done in a controlled environment, nobody needs to know about this. And also, unless you are pretty close to the person you wish to pull the prank on, most of the methods…

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The idea of a nation of singular ethnicity is long behind us. Any given nation today is home to several ethnicities. That can be even more apparent in developed countries like the United States, and first world European countries. But today we will only talk about the ethnic groups in the United States. But first let us talk a little bit about the definition of ethnicity. We are all aware of race, since racism has been such a terrible issue over the years. Race is the biological features a person is born with. For example the color of skin or…

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In search of fame, freedom or fortune, immigrants have been coming to the US for a very long time. And this continues even to this day. Many have found what they came here for, and some have even found more than they ever desired. Today, we will take a look at those high profile immigrants who have made it very big in the world of business after coming to the United States of America. You will surprised to know that even though some of the largest companies in the world are based in the US, but they were actually started…

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From the advent of the first smartphones, it was quite apparent that talking on the go was not the only feature of mobile phones anymore. In fact, they have transformed into something far more powerful and capable. Over the years, smartphone manufacturers have made significant development to this tiny yet very powerful computer. And today’s smartphones are more comparable to computers that phones. Naturally, video game developers took advantage of this amazing platform, and published amazing games over the years. And some of them have achieved immense success, sometimes comparable to major AAA titles for game consoles and PCs. If…

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Democracy is the most popular form of government, but back in the day, it was almost always some form of monarchy. And the monarch reigned supreme over his subjects and possessed absolute power. In some countries, these individuals were actually worshipped as gods. As the saying goes, absolute power corrupts. Most ancient and even medieval rulers were evil to a great extent, they hardly considered their people to be human. And often carried out vicious acts of crime against them. When it came to their wrath, neither friend or foe got spared from it. Although, the majority of these rulers…

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