Several things from the Japanese culture has made its way to the US, and basically have become a part of US culture. Take sushi for example, but Karaoke is perhaps the best example of this phenomenon. In this time of holidays, you will have a lot of free time in your hands. Therefore, you and your significant other are probably going to spend a lot of quality time together. If you are looking for some fun activity to do together with your significant other during the holidays, then look no further than our article today. Karaoke is a fun activity…
Author: Abby Ahmed
The internet is an amazing thing, it not only totally revolutionized our economy, but it also totally changed the way we communicate. This article is geared toward those individuals who are looking for their potential soul mates online. The statistics show that it is more likely to find your true soul mate through the power of the internet than through real life interaction. While it is true that the anonymity of the internet makes people behave in ways they would not in real life, but the website, we are talking about here “tinder” it is already a popular platform for…
Our society is becoming more and more reliant on technology every day. I am not saying that this is a bad thing, but more reliant on technology, we become, the more vulnerable and susceptible we become to cyber crime. The internet can be a very dangerous place for the user if he/she is not careful. And sometimes adamant hackers manage to even break through even high security facilities. The average cyber criminal is highly intelligent and those at the top of their game possess a genius level of intelligence. This is what makes the far more dangerous than thugs roaming…
College education is serious business. How good you do in college will determine a lot when it comes to your career choices and even higher studies. It is of utmost importance that a college student does his/her best in college. If you are a college student, and happen to own a chromebook, then I highly recommend our today’s article to you. The article list is basically a list of very useful apps that run on chromebook. These apps are optimized in a way that a college student will highly benefit from the use of these apps in his/her studies. If…
Farming is one of the oldest among all human occupations. Even today, despite all our achievements in science and technology, most of the world’s population still relies on farming when it comes to food. If you have a bit of land that’s just laying around being totally useless and you want to make some money off of it without selling it, then I think the article I am going mention here will help you quite a lot. Assuming you do not have advanced knowledge in farming, and you want to start your farming project with the least amount of risk,…
The idea is extremely important when starting up a company. But that said, it is quite difficult these days to come up with a unique enough idea that has not been thought up by someone else already. But most certainly it is possible and many people are doing that. If you go through our today’s article, you will find out exactly that. If you are thinking about opening up a company of your own, and seeking some active inspiration, then the article I am about to point you towards can help you a lot. Our researchers at insider monkey’s blog…
Pretty much everyone believes in magic in their childhood. But as we grow up, we realize that there is nothing called “magic” in this world, everything is mundane and as far away from magic as possible. I am very sorry to sound this pessimistic, but unfortunately this is the fact of life. Now that being said, there are those out there who never outgrow their fascination with magic, instead they even pursue their career as magicians. It is through them, we sometimes get a glimpse of the magical world that we have behind us in our distant childhood. It invokes…
The sooner you give your kids access to information technology the better. Of course, not every digital content out there is optimized for kids, and as parents it is our responsibility to monitor and regulate what sort of content we expose our kids to. The world’s largest It organization Google is also very aware of that. This is why Google has published a whole bunch of software optimized for kids for their latest offering to the IT market, the chromebook. If you happen to be a proud owner of a chromebook, or if you are planning giving your kid a…
Chromebooks are dominating the personal computer markets right now. They offer quite a few significant advantages over their counterparts, especially the ability to use cloud computing with great ease. Also the price point is rather competitive. But since you have shown interest in this article, it is safe to assume that you are already a proud owner of a chromebook. Not just that, you also find yourself spending a considerable amount of time on your chromebook writing, whether it be your status updates on Facebook, or other sorts of creative writing. If you are looking to optimize your writing experience…
We at the insider monkey’s blog page, often cover a wide variety of topics in our article, but we are most excited when we bring our readers something tech related. If you are a tech savvy person, then the following few articles will definitely get you excited. The season of receiving and giving gifts is upon us, and perhaps you just received a chrome book from a friend. Well, the chrome book functions just like any other computer, but the emphasis here is on cloud computing and storage. That being said, there are also options for you to utilize the…
One of the first occupations for humans have been domesticating farm animals, and even to this day, we are very much dependent on this occupation when it comes to producing food. Apart from being a very profitable business to own a farm, it is also quite easy to care for the animals. Today we are going talk about a few farm animals which is really easy to raise and also make a good amount of profit from. If you have some open space, and want to make the most of it, then this article will definitely help you. These animals…
Our today’s article is a must read for anyone aspiring to become a successful forex trader. Back in the day, a person had to work in the finance field to actually get a grasp of the forex market concept. But things have changed drastically and for the better. Nowadays, anybody with active internet connection can participate in forex trading and make a profit if things go accordingly. Also, forex trading has become a rather side profession for people from all walks of life, since it is quite easy to participate in forex trading. After maintaining a full-time career in any…