Author: Abby Ahmed

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of an economy. Not only they provide significant boost to the economy, but also bring forth new ideas and products that benefit us in many ways. Their innovations either help us to lead a better life or make things we do on a daily basis much easier to execute. This is why entrepreneurs are highly encouraged by the economy of their respective countries. Sometimes, even other countries welcome entrepreneurial investments from foreign nationals. Today in our article we will talk about the top entrepreneurs of last year 2016. There were several remarkable entrepreneurial ventures in the…

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Let us begin with some fun facts about household insects. Of course we will get to the annoying part of having to deal with a pest infestation, but the silver lining is that most creepy crawlers hate us as much as we hate them and therefore keep away from us. Did you know, the legs of house flies are 10 million times more sensitive than a human tongue? And ants can carry 50 times more than their own body weight? Insects are ingenious creatures when it comes to survival. No wonder so many superheroes and their abilities owe it all…

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Security is one of the most important fundamental needs that we have. The drive for making our homes secure has spawned many gadgets over the years. But the question is, are those gadgets able to provide us with adequate security? Will these gadgets we rely on be able to save us from the new breed of criminals lurking about to steal our hard earned money or precious things? Well, the answer to that question depends on a lot of variables. We have just stepped into the New Year, and things have changed a lot since the first home security gadgets…

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The Olympic Games are a great way of showing off a country’s athletic prowess. Back in the day, Olympic served a similar purpose as well. It was basically a show off of strength among neighboring city states. But as you probably know already, back in the day the winners of the ancient Olympic Games did not receive any medals, they merely received an Olive Wreath, but the most important prize of all was the recognition and applaud of the people. In modern Olympic Games the object did not change, nations all over the world want to display their dominance in…

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Citizenship can easily be acquired in Turkey, if you have enough money for it. They do not sell citizenship like a commodity of course, but in essence, if you are willing to make a large investment in Turkey’s economy, you can easily become a Turkish citizen. But the process is not as straight forward as it sounds. There are a lot of legal and economic criteria that one potential investor must fulfill before being eligible for this opportunity. Also, there are some conditions to be met by the potential investor after he/she acquires the citizenship as well. All in all,…

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You can probably tell from the title that this article is going to be about islands especially imaginary ones. Yes, the topic is as strange as it sounds. Usually we do articles on topics that have their base in reality, but that does not mean we are unable to let our imaginations run wild. If you are a creative person then you will absolutely love the article we have for you. The basic idea is to come up with an island, obviously the island does not have to be bound by the laws of physics and nature since it is…

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The effects of radiation on the human body was first seen in the late 19th century, when Nikola tesla purposefully exposed his finger to X-ray and reported that burns were developed on his figures where they were exposed to the X-ray. But the most notable event of radiation poisoning has to be the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan during the Second World War. Many people died from radiation poisoning, even if they managed to survive the massive blast. If you are concerned about the bad effects of technology on your health then you are on the right web page.…

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When it comes to personal entertainment, the internet is slowly taking over all the other means out there. Web sites like the YouTube and Netflix has the potential to replace TV shows in the near future. People around the world spend a lot of time on YouTube everyday going through the videos created by their favorite content creators. It is no surprise that Google bought YouTube off for a huge amount of money, because the recognized the potential YouTube had. I am sure you already have subscribed to quite a few YouTube channels. The good thing is, you are free…

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The history of humanity is one of struggle and conflict. Even though humanity has come a long way since the dark ages, but conflicts still rage on throughout the world. And people like you and me fall victim to someone else’s greed and lust for power. If you look at the world, you will see that currently there are several major conflicts taking place in the Middle Eastern countries in Asia. Due to this many people are fleeing their homeland and flocking at nearby country’s borders. So countries that are not actively participating in these conflicts, having to accommodate refugees…

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Smart technology is the new buzzword in the world. Amazon echo is another smart gadget in the market that is currently generating a lot of hype. For those who do not know yet what the Amazon echo is, let me give a short example. Amazon echo is basically a smart speaker that is designed to respond to voice commands of its owner. Therefore, you could use it for anything that you would need a speaker for and much more due to it being smart and also having the ability to respond to your voice commands. The product launched back in…

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Since you are interested in this article, I am going to assume that you are learning how to play the guitar or at best you are at intermediate level guitar player. Since the title says “easiest” I take it that you are still honing your skills, but cannot wait to show off what you have learned already to your friends and family. If this is the case, then you have stumbled upon the right web page. The guitar is a very versatile musical instrument. It is extremely easy to learn, but quite difficult to master. It is always a good…

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Smartphones are everywhere, and I am sure there is at least one in your pocket as well. Most prolific smartphone OS is without a doubt Google’s android, but there also IOS for those who do not mind spending ridiculous amounts of money for Apple’s products. Now that said, let’s talk about karaoke. This fun and engaging Japanese activity has made its way into America a long time ago. Karaoke has gained huge popularity through the years and in this age of smartphones, it’s only natural that smartphones will have cool apps for karaoke. Our researchers have done a good job…

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