Author: Abby Ahmed

Depression is just part of being human. However, not everyone is able to handle the same degree of depression. Some are quite good at handling depressing jobs than others. Also, depression might not just come from work stress and work related issues, a person might suffer from depression for other reasons as well. If you are someone who is not able to cope well with depression, then there are some jobs that you would do better to keep away from. Why you ask? Well, to begin with, these jobs will only augment your depression and also cause you immense mental…

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When it comes to smartphones, there are only really two competing operating systems in the market right now. The Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS. I am not going to say which one is the better, because that is still up for debate and both sides are pretty evenly matched in terms of technical aspects. However, the cost of owning an IOS device is clearly the reason why so many people today are leaning toward android operated devices. Now that said, right now in the market there are more Android users than IOS users. If you own an Android device and…

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Teamwork is absolutely necessary, whether in an army, or in a corporate office. Without team work, no organization will be able to achieve its goals. This is why, when recruiting human resources, managers tend to favor those who are able to identify themselves as team players. Today, we are going to talk about a few indoor activities that any organization can arrange to promote teamwork among its employees. If you are in charge of human resources in your organization, then this article can definitely help you with your job. It is highly unlikely that every employee in an office will…

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Online dating has become extremely popular, not only in Canada, but throughout the entire world. Perhaps the overwhelming popularity of social networking websites has something to do with this but, nowadays it is more likely that you will meet your perfect match online, rather than in real life. Because, we hardly have any control over the people we meet and interact in real life. But online, thanks to the advanced algorithms that these dating websites or apps use, we are able to meet people matching our specific preferences and who happen to share similar interests. Opposites attract may be true…

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People love someone with a strong and a tasteful sense of humor. If you have the necessary skill set to impersonate a celebrity, then you are going to steal the show, no matter the occasion. Of course, the title says the most easiest female celebrities to impersonate, but that does not mean that impersonating someone convincingly is an easy thing to pull off. The title, in fact means that if you got what it takes, impersonating the female celebs that made the list is going to be a breeze for you. I think it is safe to assume that you…

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Mathematics is an inseparable part of our life. We cannot ignore mathematics, but that does not mean we have to be a genius at mathematics to enjoy our lives. We are not going to compete with calculators for a job, at least until the rise of the machines happens, and machines take over the world from us. We just need to know the basics and that will be enough to hold our own in life. Now that said, there are certainly many career paths that would benefit people with extraordinary mathematical abilities. But, if you are like the most of…

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There could be a million reasons why a US citizen should want to move to Canada. Also, we are going to assume that the person is on a tight budget, I mean who is not these days? Anyway, the highly likely reason ended up on this webpage is because you do not fully agree with Mr. Donald Trump’s policies, and you do not want to stay in the US because of that. I mean the United States of America is the most powerful democracy in the world, and the majority has voted for Mr. Trump, but that does not necessarily…

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So let us talk about shark tank first. Since you have shown interest in this article, I am quite certain that you are already aware of this amazingly popular TV show. But some of our readers might now be, therefore please bear with me as I give a short rundown of the TV show. Shark tank is basically a reality TV show where entrepreneurs present their innovative business ideas to the Sharks or investors, who are willing to finance the project of their choice. This super hit TV show from ABC gained a lot of popularity very quickly and for…

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Are you by any chance looking to put together some extra money by working weekends? If the answer is yes, then our today’s article is going to help you do just that. Assuming you have a regular job during the week, so you want to make more onn your weekends, since you will spend your weekends working and not having fun. But I first I should point out that having ample rest is absolutely necessary if you want to do any job with success. If you do not allow yourself to have some free time and rest, you will eventually…

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In one of our most recent article’s we talked about how Facebook and Twitter are going through a rough patch in some countries. Well, if you are an avid fan of either Facebook or Twitter, then this article will definitely cheer you up. It is definitely not all doom and gloom for these two social networking giants. There are some countries where both Facebook and Twitter are seeing a considerable increase. But perhaps we will cover that topic in a future article. Our today’s topic is finding out the countries where Facebook and Twitter has more active users. I am…

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The advent of the internet and the advancements in computer technology has shrunk the world into the size of our palm. We are finally living the dream of being ubiquitous, and being in touch with everyone that matters to us. It must be said that the most popular platform for keeping in touch and making new friends is perhaps social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter. These two giant social networking websites have dominated the industry for decades. And as it would appear, these two social networks will continue leading the industry in the coming years as well. Now…

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Are you trying to get back at your friends for some prank they pulled on you? Of course we are talking about annoying your friends in a friendly fashion, and it is highly recommended that you do not cross the line under any circumstance even for the sake of fun. Anyway, if you are serious about annoying your friends to a great extent, then the article I am going to talk about here will definitely help you. As the title suggests the article is about a few questions that on the surface seem pretty innocent but are sure to annoy…

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