Author: Abby Ahmed

I sincerely hope that the title of this article did not rub you off the wrong way. Because guns are not something evil by themselves, neither guns are something good. Guns are mere tools, no different than a wrench or a knife. Of course, a gun can be evil in the hands of an evil person, but so can be the wrench or the knife if wielded by the same person with malicious intent. The only thing that makes the gun superior is its ability to cause damage, which is significantly more than any wrench or knife known to us.…

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Okay, before we begin, I would like to talk about fiber. So what is fiber? I assume that not every one of our readers are nutritionists, this is a very logical question. Well, to put it simply, fiber found in food is indigestible carbohydrate. Now the second logical question is, why fiber is good for us? Fiber on its own does not have any therapeutic properties. Rather, it’s the effect it has on our digestive system is how it does good to us. If you load up on fiber, it will slow down the rate at which sugar is absorbed…

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If you are looking for some quality infotainment, then you have come across the right webpage. Today, we will discuss the most ridiculous and weird laws in the world. Well, if you look deep into any law that made our list today, you will find some vague reasoning behind them. But, that do not make the laws less weird. In some cases, it is quite understandable that these laws were made years ago, under different and quite dynamic circumstances. The question is, why has not anyone bothered to propose amendments. It seems people have just become desensitized to these weird…

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Some people are just unable to wrap their heads around the concept of peace and coexistence. From the dawn of mankind, conflict has always been a problem. Even to this day the world is engulfed in conflict. As a result, millions of people are forcibly displaced from their homes. The world is currently facing an overwhelming influx of refugees. Many countries have opened their borders to these refugees, and taking care of them. But, taking care of refugees is not a solution to the problem by itself. Thankfully, world leaders are trying to resolve this crisis by various means, but…

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If you like shopping, then this list might be a little bit off putting for you. As you can see from the title, we are going to talk about most expensive designer handbags in our article today. Handbags are not just for carrying things in a convenient way. Handbags also work as fashion statements and a symbol of status. Especially designer handbags scream status and taste aloud. If you want to make an impression, you need to dress your best. But, to have the highest possible impact you have to top off your awesome dress with a designer handbag. Unfortunately,…

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When it comes to online shopping, reigns supreme. It is only natural that Amazon is looking to expand their horizons, as they already have a pretty dedicated global customer base. Amazon entered into the digital media distribution comparatively recently, but already they have gained significant popularity. Unlike other digital media distributors Amazon offers some extras to customers who subscribe to amazon prime.  If you subscribe to amazon prime, not only you will get access to premium digital content at a very reasonable cost, but also you will enjoy special perks while ordering goods from amazon. As they say, it…

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You can definitely tell by the title of the article that we are going to talk about fruit trees today. But they are not ordinary fruit trees to say the least. As the title suggests, they are dwarf fruit trees. The dwarves may be the stuff of fairy tales, but dwarf fruit trees are very real. They remain quite small throughout their entire lifespan, which makes them ideal for gardens with limited space. If you can garden, then you are already equipped to grow dwarf fruit trees. In our list today, we will talk about the dwarf fruit trees that…

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Birthday parties are awesome, regardless for whom they are. When it comes to children’s birthday parties, there are a few quirks to that. Firstly, children’s birthday parties are not as simple and children are rather hard to please to say the least. Therefore, a lot of effort is required to put together a birthday party for a child. If you have a birthday coming up for your kid, then you ought to prepare beforehand. One of the easiest things you can do to make the party more fun is by experimenting with the food that you plan to serve at…

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If you have seen too many science fiction movies growing up, then perhaps when you hear the word robot, you will see the face of T1000 (Robert Patrick) from Terminator 2. But in reality, robots are hardly anything like that. Robots are merely tools through which we can make our lives much easier. At least for the time being, the robots are confined to the production lines, taking over from humans and helping to averse accidents in dangerous conditions. Not to mention robots are way more efficient than humans when it comes to performing repetitive tasks. Although, designing and manufacturing…

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The youthful population of a country is its future. They are the leaders, dreamers and the architects of the future of their nation. But, youth is also the most problematic demographic of any given country. They are young adults and teens who are quite easy to persuade and often they are preyed upon by malicious groups as they are the most gullible. However, that is not the topic of the day. Today we merely take a look at countries that have the highest youth population. Of course, the rate of birth and mortality are something that is quite natural. But,…

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The struggle for equality is perhaps the oldest and longest running struggle in human history. Even though, in every major religion and every major and established social creed, all of humankind is stated to be equal, but some people just will not understand that fact and abide by it. It is the twenty-first century and yet people are openly homophobic and even carryout hate crimes against anyone who is not heterosexual. Even in the United States, a country that severs as the beacon of freedom and hope for the rest of the world, LGBT people are socially ostracized in some…

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It has been settled beyond doubt that smartphones are not mere devices for communication anymore. They are in fact multipurpose devices that serve several purposes, take photography for example. Modern smartphones are almost always equipped with quite powerful cameras for that specific reason. Also, you will find smartphones with enough computing power to do your everyday office tasks like e-mailing, document editing and viewing even preparing PowerPoint presentations topped off with quality animations. Now that said, you might want something extra from your smartphone. As the title of this article suggests, you might want your smartphone to have awesome loudspeakers,…

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