We just love to read about the rich and famous. How they live, how they spend their money and what the do in their spare time is really some interesting things to read up on. When the person you are reading about is the world’s richest person, then thing get even more interesting. Bill Gates needs no introduction, he has been assessed the most richest alive for several years in a row now. If you are wondering where this IT giant lives and what sort of tech he uses in his house, then our today’s article will definitely be very…
Author: Abby Ahmed
The very word bugs is enough to make you feel squeamish. Most of us just have an innate fear of bugs and every thing related to bugs. Even if you are not afraid of bugs, you certainly are disgusted by them to say the least. Did you know that some of your favorite food items actually contain crushed bugs in them? I am sure you did not know that. Well, now you can never go back. Since we have told you this much, we would also specify and point a few fingers towards those responsible companies as well. The thing…
Before we even begin, I would like to take this opportunity and say it out loud that alcoholism is a terrible problem. Drinking heavily will eventually cause serious damage to your body and you should actively try to avoid drinking as much as possible. Do you know what a fifth stands for? Well, since you have shown interest in this topic, I think you do know what a fifth means. Regardless, let me give you a short rundown anyway. A fifth basically means 1/5 of a gallon of something, roughly 750 ml. of beverage. Now that said, drinking that much…
Do you have trouble dealing with anxiety and depression? I think it is safe to assume that you either have that or are concerned for someone you know. Well, we must do jobs to pay the bills at the end of the day. Sometimes, jobs can really take a toll on us. Regardless whether we suffer from any psychological disorder or not. People who are psychologically strong, can take it and move on without much trouble. However, if a person has some psychological issues like anxiety and depression, then dealing with job related troubles can be a bit too much…
I am not going to sugar coat things, rather I will say this out loud that the world has some really sick and terrible people in it. These people are beyond reason, and are more animal than human. Thankfully, law enforcement agencies are active enough throughout the world in keeping these people in check and bringing them to justice whenever they can. The surface web, is basically the internet we use is quite easy to monitor and regulate for these agencies. However, the dark web or deep web is a place that is built around the idea of anonymity. Regulating…
If someone asks you, is the Internet a good thing or a bad thing? How would you answer to that question? The thing is, the reason behind the inception of the internet was to establish communication, and there is no other method that can do it better than the internet to date. However, despite have a lot of positives, the internet is also has a really dark and dangerous side as well. The internet can be a nightmare for new users, who are not yet adept and well versed in the safety measures of using the internet. Most victims of…
Cellphones or mobile phones revolutionized the telecom industry. Just a couple of decades back, making a simple phone call was quite bothersome compared to today. But, thanks to huge advancements in technology, the industry has come a very long way. The world has literally shrunk down to the size of the palm of your hand nowadays. No wonder that telecom companies around the world are doing so good in terms of revenue. Another major reason to the huge success of telecom companies is the entry restriction imposed by the insane amount startup cost. Yes, starting up a telecom business is…
The main objective of any given business concern is to make a considerable amount of profit. Business organizations, even the nonprofit ones generate a huge amount of profit each year. At least, the ones we are talking about in this article. Thankfully, most of the world now operates a free market economy and that ensures every business organization that wishes to remain profitable must operate fairly and respectably in the market. Otherwise, customers will not hesitate to switch over to the competitors. America has long been the beacon of democracy for the entire world, it is only natural that American…
Once upon a time human relationships were more personal and face to face. However, ever since the advent of emails and chatting, things have changed quite a lot. Specially in recent years, the outbreak of online dating websites have brought somewhat of a revolution in they we date. Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing or somewhere in between, we are in no position to comment on that. However, since things got online we can now formulate strategies and look at statistics to predict the rate of success. If you are looking to pick up a date…
Alcohol has gained social acceptance through out the western world. However, in most parts of Asia alcohol is not that popular. Even the countries where the consumption of alcohol is not banned. India is such a country where the use of alcohol is not banned but is highly discouraged. However, as you can see from the title of our today’s article, we will talk about some expensive alcoholic beverages available in India right now. India is a developing country, and home to almost 1.3 billion people. It is a huge market for any given commodity and alcoholic beverages are no…
Are you planning on moving to New York City, or perhaps you already live there but looking to move in a new neighborhood. I think the latter is not the case, because if you have been living in New York City for a considerable amount of time, you would already know about tough neighborhoods already. The neighborhood you live in makes a lot of difference in your day to day quality of life. In a place like New York City, where finding a place to live is a serious concern, even if you are willing to pay a premium, people…
The advent of online shops changed the way we buy and sell stuff. I mean, just take a look at the number of online shops for Pete’s sake, the world wide web is crawling with them. On top of that, the smartphones or rather palmtop computers have made it even easier to buy and sell stuff online. Thanks to all the dedicated apps for this specific purpose. Since you have shown interest in this particular article, I think it is safe to assume that you are aware of such apps, and perhaps you are ready to put up your own…