Author: Abby Ahmed

The average life expectancy has increased significantly all across the globe. The reason behind this is the development of the medical sciences, and that includes pharmaceuticals.The pharmaceutical industry is booming all over the world. Even in the given economic condition, pharmaceutical companies are still generating quite a lot of revenue each year from exports and sales in their native country. It is quite natural to become interested in learning about pharmaceutical companies given the current circumstances. Whether you are an investor, or a student of business, you will absolutely love our today’s article regarding this topic. Even though, I am…

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Back in the when touch screens were merely making an appearance, stylus was a mandatory accessory that came along with your touch screen phone. The stylus was basically how those touchscreen phones worked, I mean the technology back then was not developed enough to support finger touch, let alone multiple finger touch interface. However, things have changed significantly ever since the advent of Apple’s iPhones made an appearance back in 2007. Nowadays, it is significantly harder to find a smartphone with stylus support, as there is no need for a stylus any more for the touch to work. However, stylus…

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We are extremely social animals, and we realized early on that what we can do alone, we will do much better in a group. Based on this basic idea and our innate love for music led to the formation of musical bands. A trend that is still in fashion and will remain as such for the foreseeable future. There are so many brass instruments out there that even trying to make a list of all of them will be totally absurd. Instead, we will attempt to make a list of brass musical instruments that are relatively easy to play and…

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If you are looking for a place to live in New York City, then you already know how difficult it is to find a place to live there. Well, not so much as to finding a place to in, but to find a place that is affordable realistically. Most places available for rent or purchase in New York City is extremely pricey, even the studio apartments could bleed your bank account to death. Given the current circumstances, things will only get worse from here, and it is safe to assume that if you wish to live in New York City,…

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When it comes to healthcare and medical treatment, we do not often think that there are room for any malpractices. After all, being a doctor or a nurse in the United States is hardest compared to the rest of the world. The standards are extremely high, and there are strict rules governing the standards. However, the stories that we will bring you today will have you wondering about these facts. Whistle blowers have always been present in every like of work, and they have come forward with shocking news and findings throughout the entire world. Today we will talk about…

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In the business world, IPO is considered as the initiation of a company. It not only provides an opportunity for the company to raise a tremendous amount of funds but also brings in statutory scrutiny for the firm thus raising its credibility and reputation many folds. It is a great event for the company and also for the market it is being traded. Often IPOs (Initial Public Offering) accumulate huge amounts of funds, measuring in billions of dollars. IPOs also represent the gist of capitalism, money makes more money if invested properly. Different countries have different laws regarding the IPOs…

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Acquiring a higher academic degree is always the best option, but it is not always possible for everyone. I mean, just take a look at the expenses associated with education these days, most people are not able to afford it to begin with. Also, deciding to go through an university education means that you will not be able to start working for about four years and your student loan will accrue a lot of interest, after getting the degree you will need to work hard just to pay off the debt. If you choose a vocational career instead, then you…

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Okay, before we even begin, I must admit that when it comes to golf, I am not that knowledgeable. Now that said, this is a mere intro article where I basically persuade you to go for our main article by teasing you with the information you can expect from the main article. Thus, do not be turned off by me not being a golf savvy person, as the main article is written by someone who knows golf quite well, even though he will not admit it, but you will clearly be able to see it from his writing. Now that…

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Folk songs are amazing, it is true that folk songs have seen better days, but still there are a significant number of avid folk song fans out there. I recon you are one of them as well. I can also make another assumption quite safely that you own an acoustic guitar. The thing is, no matter how awesome the electric guitars become, there will always be an appeal for acoustic guitars. Specially for folk songs, these songs were written to be played on an acoustic instrument, and the guitar perhaps is the best example. If you are new to guitar…

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Clean and renewable energy is perhaps the number one concern in the science world right now. At the rate we are exhausting the fossil fuel reserves of our planet, we will soon run out of it entirely. Eventually when that happens, the world will come face to face with a severe crisis. However, there is hope and scientists are positive that soon we will achieve a breakthrough in technology and the world’s ever growing energy crisis will be over for good. There are several alternative solutions to this problem, such as wind turbines that convert the wind’s kinetic energy into…

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China has come a long way in terms of its economy. China has proven to the world that having a huge population helps a country to grow. Thanks to its massive population, China has become the economic powerhouse of the entire world. Most companies around the world have moved their production facilities in China due to the cheap cost of labor there. Many Chinese companies have set up production lines and accept order from all over the world. These companies do not have a brand, but they actually produce products for many reputed brands, specially electronics. Take Apple or Samsung…

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There are many ways a person can be creative, it is absolutely essential to discover the talents you have as early in life as possible. If you think that your child or kid sibling has the skill to draw, then I think getting him/her started on it from an young age is the right thing to do. Today, we will talk about drawing some fruits. There are countless varieties of fruits in the world, but not all of them are easy to draw and could dissuade a new artist. I mean failure is a motivator, but in an early age…

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