Author: Abby Ahmed

Asia is the largest continent in the world, but despite its former glory, Asian countries have somewhat fallen behind the western countries in terms of economic and political power. However, there are some Asian countries out there which are showing great promise. Countries like China and India are rapidly gaining ground in terms of economy and also military strength. It is expected that India will soon become the world’s newest super power in the coming years. Now that said, as you can see from the title of our article, today we will only talk about Hong Kong. Well, can you…

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Have you ever wanted to be the CEO of a huge company? To be honest, most of us have such a dream. In our teens we dram about becoming a rock star or a sportsperson, but with age we realize that not all people are cut out to be those things. We begin to fantasize about the idea of becoming a CEO, that happens when we start working full time for an organization. The CEO or Chief Executive Officer is the head of an organization, apart form a healthy salary he/she also enjoys quite an impressive array of perks and…

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Virtual reality is not something new. There were several technologies before VR boxes and google cardboard that tried to utilize the virtual reality principles. However, I am sure you already know that none of those techs made any significant impact in the world of media consumption. Some of them even failed so bad that people still make fun of them. Take the Nintendo VirtuaBoy for example. This was a video game console that was suppose to give you a total VR experience and immersion. Unfortunately it ended up giving the gamer a nasty headache and nausea. But, the modern VR…

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The guitar is an amazing instrument, it is really very difficult to comprehend that a couple of strings and a wooden shell (for acoustic guitars) could create such a beautiful and long lasting melody. I do not know about you, but there is another huge pro for guitar as a musical instrument in my book. It just looks cool, regardless whether you are playing an electronic guitar or a acoustic guitar, it just looks really awesome as an instrument and adds to your fashion statement. However, today we are not going to discuss guitar’s role as a fashion accessory, which…

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Whether you are a tech savvy farmer who utilizes camera equipped drones to monitor his/her crop and cattle, or a drone enthusiast who must have own all the recent bells and whistles of the tech world, either way you will benefit from our today’s article. Drones, at least the civilian versions of them started life as mere toys. However, over time they have evolved into truly specialized utility devices that have a lot of functionality. I am definitely not implying that flying these smart drones are not longer fun, but rather the awesome features like the camera, makes it even…

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We have come a very long way as a race. At the dawn of humanity the life expectancy of a human was less than 30 years. But now the global average is more than double that value at 71.5 years. Thanks to our immense advancement in medical science and over all technology, we can now live a long and healthy life. However, there are still countries in the world, where the cutting age treatment and medical facilities have not developed yet. It is speculated that these there is still a lot to be done in those countries before they catch…

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It is very true that conducting any type of business activity through the internet is relatively lot easier. But, the contest for a specific service is also extremely high over the internet. As you can see from the title of our article, today we will talk about some Mailchimp alternatives. If you are knowledgeable about the email marketing scene, then you are already aware of Mailchimp, an awesome program that helps you reach out to your potential customer base. However, despite all the awesome features that Mailchimp packs, it still is not the most ideal program to say the least.…

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Ever since the printing press was invented, the written media has been transformed entirely. We have come a very long way since the days of mechanical printing presses, and so have the fonts that were used back then. In the early days of mechanical printing, the emphasis were hardly on the reader’s experience rather on how easy it would be to form huge quantities of texts. Now printing huge volume of texts are no longer the problem, and the emphasis has shifted towards stylizing and reader comfort. It is scientifically proven that some fonts are quite easy to read and…

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China has managed to transform itself into one of the world’s largest manufacturing giants. However, most of the manufacturing is done for brands that are based outside of China itself. There are not many Chinese brands out there that have good worldwide reputation. On the contrary, most Chinese brands have sort of ill repute all over the world. This is due to the products released by Chinese companies with faulty and low production standards. However, Chinese manufacturing firms are doing an exceptional job when they are producing products for reputed brands, such as Apple, Samsung and other reputed brands. Now…

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Have you ever wondered who builds the high tech fighter jets and state of the art war machines that the military use? I mean the military is indeed quite an effective organization, but it is not designed to build high tech machinery rather it is built to use the high tech machinery with extreme efficiency. Now a days, every military acquisition is made through a defense contractor. These defense contractors are huge companies that specialize in producing military technology. If you have been following recent few military acquisitions the US army made then you know how things work. Basically the…

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So the title says most stable companies in the United States. You might wonder what do we actually mean by stable? Well, by stable we mean the companies that have managed to pull through several economic disasters and provide a stable stream of profits to its share holders year after year. There are a lot of things that could go wrong during a course of a year, financial crisis, economic recession and even natural disasters that could potentially harm the profit of a company. This is why investors are often reluctant in investing unstable companies, and keen on investing in…

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It is quite difficult to get into the school you want to study in. However, if value statistics then these SUNY and CUNY schools in New York City are some of the most easiest to get into. Of course, we are talking in relative terms here. To be honest, the contest here is quite tough, but in comparison to other schools these ones are much easier to get admission into. One thing also should be mentioned right away is that these schools are by no means a cheap alternative, these schools are quite expensive but again in comparison are a…

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