Author: Abby Ahmed

Alcoholic drinks have been consumed ever since the dawn of farming. Scientists and archeologists speculate that as early as man began farming, they also began to produce alcoholic beverages like the beer. Of course the distillation technique pretty much revolutionized the alcohol producing industry, but that did not happen till much later. However, we will not be discussing the history of alcohol production in our today’s article, that topic will be discussed in a future article, I am sure of it. As you can see from the title of our today’s article that today we will talk about a few…

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Hot air balloons are quite fascinating objects, they do not have any engine or wings, yet they can fly and they can fly quite well. I really love the physics behind the flight of hot air balloons, it is quite simple, yet how amazing results we can get by applying it smartly. Hot air is lighter than cold air, so when air heats up it rises upwards. That is the basic behind every hot air balloon you see flying up in the sky. We just wrap a sack around the hot air bubble and the upward pull carries us skyward.…

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Have you started taking piano lessons? Piano is an amazing musical instruments, specially if you plan to learn classical music. No other instrument can match the finesse the piano has when it comes to music in general. Yes, the piano might not be mobile or easy to stowaway, but after you set it up, you can be sure that whenever you feel the urge to play your favorite instrument, it will be ready. There are no power cables nor batteries that are required to play it. The only draw back associated with the piano is the level of difficulty. Playing…

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Are on a diet? I think you are since you have shown interest in this article. To be honest, when you are on a diet, it is best to keep away from all alcoholic beverages to begin with. That way you will get better and faster results from your hardship. Yes, I do consider dieting a hardship, since I love to eat. Now that said, if you must drink your fill while on diet, it is always better to go for some low calorie alcoholic drink to boot. As you will get your daily dose of alcohol in your system…

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Since you have shown interest in this particular article, I take it that you have already retired or are about to retire pretty soon. On top of that, you feel like you might want to invest some of your leisure time in a part time job, where you will not be stressed out that much hence the fun part. To be perfectly honest, finding such a job could be a bit challenging at times, but thanks to the power of the internet, our researchers have indeed managed to come up with a list of such jobs. Well, your mileage may…

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Nursing has become a really well paying profession. Job satisfaction was never an issue with nurses, as statistics will tell you that nurses are among the most satisfied workers in the medical field. If you are a passionate person, then you will definitely get a lot out of being a nurse. As I was saying, the only drawback of being a nurse is that sometimes the pay is not as good as other benefits of being a nurse. However, that can easily be offset by some clever maneuvering. If you are studying to become a nurse, or already you have…

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India is without a doubt one of the most promising countries in Asia. After its independence, India has come a very long way as a country and as a democracy. India may not be a world super power as of yet, but it certainly is one of the most powerful countries in the region. India is home to over a billion people, and thus India is a huge market. Though India may not be as efficient as China when it comes to utilizing its human resources, but politically India is well regarded throughout the world, and that is helping India…

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For us city dwellers, fast food is just unavoidable, fast food is convenient, economic and often the only way of filling our bellies on a busy day. Now that said, fast food also has some really awful drawbacks to it as well. Take obesity for example, statistics show that people who eat too much fast food can easily become obese and then develop several types of health conditions. While having fast food can be very satisfying on occasions but depending solely on fast food for nutrition is far from ideal. Thankfully, people nowadays are realizing that, and are turning away…

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Homosexuals have long been prosecuted and ostracized by the society. Even in this day and age, it is quite hard for people to accept gay people. I mean, I am sure that even many people openly support homosexuality but if their own child comes out as gay, they will have a very hard time coping with it. If we wanted to make a list of countries that are not so friendly to gay people or even worse, we would have had a very easy time with that article. However, there is not point of such an article, and this is…

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Okay, I am not going to sugar coat things, as October is probably the most hated month in the US, as the summer break ends at October and kids have to go back to school after such a long vacation. However, if you are not a kid who have only school to look forward to during October, then the month of October can be really an amazing time for you. I mean, you can imagine that the month of October is not Christmas season, and people do not usually plan extended vacations during the month of October. Therefore, if you…

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When ever I hear the word shark, i instantly recall the horrific and gruesome shark attack scenes from the Jaws movies. Thankfully,  Jaws was merely a movie and in reality shark attacks are not that prolific. But that does not mean that shark attacks do not happen at all. The statistics will show you that shark attacks do take place, and people occasionally die at these unfortunate events. Sharks are aggressive by nature, after all they are the apex predator in the sea word. Sharks have quite a few deadly tools at their disposal that make them even more deadly…

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At the heart of every country’s economy is sales. The more sales a company makes, the more revenues it earns per cycle. I am sure you already know that more revenue translates roughly into more profit. Do you know that does more profit translate into? Well, more profit translate into more investors and in general more business, and more products to sell. As you can see from the title, that today we will be talking about some grocery stores in America. However, these grocery stores are not some neighborhood joint. Rather we will talk about some grocery chain stores in…

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