The United States of America is definitely the most powerful country in the world, in terms of military might and influence over the world. However, the US economy has not been at its best for the past few years. And the constant wars have taken its toll on American economy as well. On top of that, president Trump has vowed to rebuild the military of the nation, that means that the already massive defense budget is only likely to increase in the coming years. This means that America has not been making enough money than it spends it each year,…
Author: Abby Ahmed
In a similar article earlier today, we talked about the most generous companies in America. These companies spend a significant amount of their profits in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities). In contrast to these companies, now we will be presenting to you the most hated companies in America. These companies not only slack off from doing their part in community, but also practice shady and dodgy methods in their business operations. These companies overall have a pretty bad reputation in the market. Now that said, it does not mean that these companies are doomed, some of the companies may recover from…
Egg is the most common breakfast item in the world. Not just breakfast, egg is also pretty commonly consumed yet cheap source of protein as well. There are so many ways eggs can be consumed, I mean you can eat an egg raw and you can make cakes with it as well, and everything in between. You can fry it, poach it, bake it, scramble it eat it in any way you desire. No wonder the demand for eggs is so high today and it has been for a long time. The world consumes a staggering amount of eggs every…
India has managed to form one of the most powerful economies in Asia. Even though India has a long way to go before becoming an economic giant in the world, but it certainly the most promising country in the region. India is the largest democracy in the world, with over a billion people living in it. Naturally, there are going to be a few jobs in India that will stand out as being stressful. If you are looking for some quality infotainment, then you would love to know that our researchers have done an excellent job of finding out the…
Since you are interested in this particular topic, I think you are already aware of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities) as well. Companies all across the world operate in order to generate profit, this is why businesses exist and economies work. However, that does not in anyway mean that corporations are free of their responsibilities towards the community they do business in. Of course, they are not legally bound to carry out charitable activities, but these companies do it regardless. They do get a huge amount of positive publicity for doing so, it helps their marketing effort quite a lot. As…
Since you have shown interest in this article, I think it is safe to assume that you are probably a dentist or soon to be one. If that is the case, then I think our article will be really very helpful to you. You already know that the pay scale for different professions vary from state to state. There are many reasons behind it, it could be that the cost of living in a given state, or the demand for a certain profession is high and so on. Being a dentist is not different as well. You will make more…
Thanks to the power of the internet, online shopping has become the primary form of buying and selling. The western online shopping market is dominated by websites like amazon and e-bay. However, a massive market for e-commerce exists in China and neighboring regions, where the most dominant online shopping website is Alibaba. Today, we will talk about Alibaba, the website that has the ability to compete against western giants if the opportunity presents itself. Have you been wondering what are the Chinese people buying these days, and what type of products acturally do well in China? Well, if you have…
India has firmly established itself as the emerging economy of Asia. It has hardly been a little over 70 years since India attained independence, but within this short span of time, India has become very powerful country. Not just in terms of economy, but in terms of military might as well. India is one of the 9 countries to possess nuclear weapons in the entire world. All of this did not happen overnight, it took a lot of innovation and dedication from the people of India. And also the companies that form the backbone of India’s economy. Today, we will…
“Out of all the continent of the world, perhaps Africa and Asia are the most backwards when it comes to economic development and power. Now that said, it would be really unfair to write of whole of Asia as underdeveloped, as there are some countries in Asia that match if not surpass the economic power houses of the world today. The industrial revolution did start much later in Asia, but Asia has a key resource over the other continents, that is manpower. Just take a look at China, the largest Asian country with a huge population. China has managed to…
Okay, let us get over the eww! moment first. If you did not know about this, then this might have come to you as a serious shock, I understand that. We are not messing with your head, it is very true that there are perfume brands out there that use castoreum in their perfume. Now, let’s talk about castoreum, castoreum is a gland that is found in matured North American beavers and some European beavers. The beavers use the secretion of this gland along with its urine to scent mark their territory. Let’s talk about the elephant in the room,…
If you are into healthcare, then you are not satisfied with mere monetary gains. You also want a lot of intrinsic rewards from you job as well. The main difference between healthcare and any other high compensation job is that you get a lot of satisfaction from just doing your job. I mean, helping people feels nice, even if it is just helping someone carry a bag of groceries. But a healthcare professional basically helps people through difficult times. A person is most vulnerable when he/she is sick, a medical healthcare specialist helps them during this time. Therefore, the satisfaction…
Since you have shown interest in this particular article, I guess congratulations are in order. We wish all the best to the both of you. If you are looking for a buying guide for an exceptional engagement ring, then I think we got you covered in our today’s article. When it comes to buying the engagement ring, there are a lot of varieties out there, depending on your budget and preferences, finding the perfect engagement ring can be really a very difficult job. This is why, in this particular article we wanted to keep things simple, and we merely focused…