Does the word hot dog gets all your juices flowing? I am going to make a wild guess and say that yes, it does gets you all worked up. I mean, its hot dog who does not like munching down on hot dogs right? Specially if you are a proud American fast food person. Although, Germany is the country we associate hot dog with, but the United States does have its fair share of hot dog enthusiast. All will be revealed in front of you soon enough as we delve deep into our today’s topic. The title of the article…
Author: Abby Ahmed
Are you an aspiring film maker? Well, I guess you are and I can easily infer that by the simple fact that you have shown interest in this particular article. You might as well just be the friend of an aspiring film maker, but in any case, you will benefit from going through our today’s article in general. There is no doubt that when it comes to production value and artistic integrity, Hollywood films have no match anywhere. Well, I mean only the good Hollywood films definitely. To be brutally honest, in recent years I have seen Hollywood movies that…
Armenian genocide happened in the dawn of the twentieth century. The time was really rather turbulent for the entire world. The first world war was raging relentlessly throughout the civilized world. The worst war to be ever experienced by humans. Amidst all of this, the Ottoman empire cracked down on Armenians living withing its borders. And figures suggest that the Ottoman empire killed off over one and a half million Armenians in the name of ethnicity and religion. It is like the holocaust that saw the deaths of six million Jews during the second world war. Many countries even to…
Sense of humor is something that you are born with, some people are just better at it than others. However, we seek social and peer approval and without it we become depressed. Sense of humor is a key element in getting the approval from the people who matter to you. Now that said, kids are just natural at being funny. I mean they do not perhaps intend to be funny, but they are and I mean it in a good way. Now when it comes to jokes, perhaps the science ones are the hardest to get. Perhaps my insecurity is…
Guitar is an amazing instrument, no matter for whom it is. Whether it is an adult, or a child anybody can have immense fun with a guitar. Its simplistic design, and flexibility makes it one of the most favorite instruments to all age groups. You might think that kids would go for even simpler things, such as the keyboard or perhaps the drum. The thing is, those musical instruments lack the coolness that the guitar has. And no one cares more for coolness than kids these days. Since you are reading this far into the article, I think it is…
The piano is an amazing musical instrument, guess I do not have to stress that fact to you. Assuming you have just started taking piano lessons, because if you are already an adept piano player, then this article is not for your I am afraid. This article is basically geared towards new piano players who have just started to learn the basic of this instruments. Now, since you know only the basics you cannot be expected to play complicated melodies on the piano and impress your friends and family. However, there is a way around it, and through this article…
Movies are the go to source of personal entertainment. There is hardly any country in the world, where there isn’t a thriving film industry. Well, to be brutally honest, despite pretty much every independent nation having its own film industry, not many countries have an internationally recognized film industry. Okay, since that is out of the way, it does not mean that the films that dominate the world right now will continue to do so in the future. In fact, in recent years there are many countries out there who are actually treating the current industry leaders as they produce…
YouTube has become a global phenomenon. Thanks to its ease of use, and nonrestrictive approach to a sustainable business model. Creative people around the world are now free to show off their creativity to the world at no cost to themselves. If you love making videos and you have the most basic equipment available, then you are all set to go on YouTube. This is the reason why YouTube is so popular among any other streaming media websites. You can find anything on YouTube, from hilarious standup comedy to more serious stuff about war and politicos. Regardless whatever you fancy,…
To be brutally honest, there are more websites out there than there are people with access to the internet. More and more websites are being launched every second over this vast world wide web. Therefore, being at the top of the most visited website list is not an easy feat. No matter what service your website is provided, chances are your competitors are providing a better service in a much more efficient way. A lot of money is to be made here, and the key is to get as many visitors as possible to your website. The only way you…
Did you buy an electric guitar for yourself? If the answer is yes, the we have good news for you. I am sure that you would want to learn a few killer solos on your guitar that would impress your friends. It does not matter whether you are in a band or not, you could always use a few awesome solos in any situation. Since this is about electric guitars, I am going to assume that you are already an adept guitar player, and just swapped out your acoustic guitar for an electric one. If you are and advanced guitar…
So what is being least sexually active? Well, this basically means not having sex as much as others, in this case we are considering countries and not individuals. How did we determine which are the least sexually active countries you ask? Very simple, we just took note of the birth rate and how many times an average citizen of said country has sex in a year. And voila, we have our list of least sexually active countries. Of course, the reality is not that simple, and to have a perfect measure is almost impossible. However, what our findings suggests is…
There is no doubt that gold is one of the most prettiest metals on Earth. It is also quite rare considering and limited in quantity. Even though, traditionally gold has been used to craft jewelry and other luxury items, but today gold is used to produce electronic equipment as well. Of course, gold is still used to make jewelry too, this is why gold is so much expensive to get. I am sure you know about the gold rush era, and how it shaped the economy of America. The gold rush era is over, but gold is still mined through…