Author: Abby Ahmed

Do you like your smoothies, shakes and other drinks of that sort? I am thinking that you are someone who does fancy a good drink once in while. Well, the thing is when we are talking mixed drinks you pretty much have to have access to a blender in order to make the drinks. Of course a blender is not something that will break the bank, and pretty much everyone who love to have a good mixed drink owns a blender for sure. But the catch is, having access to your blender in the first place. If you are at…

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One of the proven recession proof industries has to be the hospitality industry, no matter where the world economy stands, it hardly seems to affect the richest. This is where the largest and most expensive hotel chains come into the picture. The rich will always seek out pleasure, and the US hotel chains are some of the most lavish and amazing places to be, if you can afford to pay for it. This is why these high class hotels have made such a name for themselves. If you interested in learning about these massive hotel chains then I am sure…

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Can companies be evil? Of course I do not mean in a religious sense, I mean a company cannot be the work of the devil can it? But a there are a lot of ways a company can fall out of favor of the customers. There could be malpractice, bad products, bad customer service and many things working against a company that could lead to its destruction. In most cases, the reason behind a company’s downfall is not accidental, rather some flaw in the policy making somewhere up their in the hierarchy. Companies operate and turn in a profit each…

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Okay, being liberal is not that easy anymore in United States. Well, to be honest most of the modern world seem to have lost interest in being liberal. As not just in America but through out Europe right wing parties appear to be ahead in all sorts of polls. Specially in Germany, France and the Netherlands. Countries that pretty much represented liberalism to the entire world. Regardless how political scenarios are around the world, there are some companies, specially US companies that are still holding the flag of liberalism up high. Needless to say that these companies are paying a…

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Are you into angling? Well of course you are, this is why you are having a look at this article. Angling can be a huge amount of fun. Who says that fun is only to be found in loud music and jumping around like lunatics. I am not saying that those activities are not fun, but those activities are not for everyone to say the least. Some just want a more calm and soothing experience when it comes to fun. And I do not no anything else more calmer than going out to fishing by the lake on a fine…

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So, if you have been preparing for SAT and you are not satisfied with just above average scores, then you have come to the right place. Well, we will not coach you on SAT exams for sure, but we will surely show you a person who can coach you, and who can coach you not to achieve high scores in your SAT exams but potentially score a perfect 2400 in your SAT exams. If you have not heard about Shaan Patel, then let me tell you this, that this Shaan Patel guy is not here to crack jokes. He comes…

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When the internet was first made available for the public to use, the Pandora’s box was opened, and there was no coming back from it. We have come a very long way since then. Now the internet has become one of the primary sources of communication, commerce and also entertainment. It is only natural that we the consumers of it would look at it for even learning as well. Yes, learning through the internet is nothing new. Many major academic institutions have online courses in place for those who want to take advantage of them, or perhaps do not have…

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Okay, before we delve deep into this topic, I would like to clarify one important thing that this article is not about religion, neither it is about science. The sole purpose of this article is to report to our readers about some facts regarding 6 great scientists who lost their faith, but now have regained it. It does not matter which religion they believe in, but the thing that matters is that now they believe there is a supreme being who is responsible for everything that is happening and who has created us, and this life of ours is not…

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I am sure when you hear the word, New York City you think to yourself it is going to be more expensive than usual. But as you can see from the title, today we are going to take a look at a few classes in NYC that are completely free of charge. I mean who does not like a free be right? And when it is offered in New York City, things get all the more interesting. If anything, New York City is not known for being cheap for city dwellers. Anyway, let’s get along swiftly with our today’s topic.…

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If you are into arts and crafts, and that sort of stuff then you are probably already familiar with Etsy. Etsy is an amazing online shopping platform that provides both the buyers and sellers a common place to make deals happen. You can find all sorts of arts and crafts over on Etsy, that includes a multitude of products from basics jewelry to jaw dropping works of arts. As you can see from the title of our article, that today we will talk about a few specific Etsy shops. If you happen to be the owner of a shop that…

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Okay, I am sure you can get the vibe of this article just from the title of it. No one would want to live outside New York City, if they can afford to live within the city limits. Unfortunately, New York is one of the most expensive cities to live in. The amount of money you would need to be able to dish out each month for accommodation in New York City is absolutely absurd. Even if you plan to rent a small studio apartment, you will break your bank. Unless of course, you already make a huge sum of…

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Our today’s topic is rather depressing, but very important nonetheless. A topic may seem rather mundane, but that does not mean we should not talk about it or try to make sense of it. Literacy or education rather is the key to unlocking one’s true self. An illiterate mind is clouded with misinformation and superstition, and one such mind cannot imagine the amazing things that could be. Thankfully, most of the world is literate, and many developing countries are trying their best to achieve higher literacy numbers. Government policies are made and government is heavily subsidizing such efforts in those…

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