Before we dive down into our topic, I would like to take this opportunity and congratulate all of you for going for a college education. I know that it is not easy, for most people to go for a college education right off the bat. The costs involved are enormous, given the current economic condition. Also, you will not be able to make money right now, as you will need to invest way too many hours into education. However, I think it is suffice to say that in the end, all will be worth it. After you get your graduation,…
Author: Abby Ahmed
Business is the backbone of any economy. Be it as simple as an urban households or be it of an entire nation, as long as there is a steady cash inflow, the unit will continue to thrive. Financial analysts are the modern day wizards in the world of economics. They ensure that money will always make more money, and there will always be a steady cash inflow for their respective organization. Because at the end of the day, if you are going to invest your money, you have to be absolutely sure about securing your investments and also making sure…
The job of a nurse is quite challenging, but at the end of the day the is also quite rewarding as well. I am sure, if you have the habit of shopping online, then you are already aware of Etsy. Etsy is an amazing online shop, if you are into arts and crafts. Well, not just arts and crafts but you can pick up stuff on Etsy that convey a certain theme. This is why we decided to pick Etsy for our article, because there are plenty of shops over at Etsy that sell stuff with a nursing theme. If…
Spending time with children is one of the best things that you could possible do. The experience is extremely rewarding, and I assure you that it will restore your faith in humanity again, if you take just a little bit of your time and spend it with a kid. If you have kid/s of your own, then I guess you do not have choice but to spend time with them, which is awesome!. In my opinion, if you want to make your toddler happy then you should take him/her out for a visit. Where you ask? Well, now that is…
India the word’s largest democracy by number of voters is an amazing country. It has hardly been a little over 70 years since India achieved independence, but within this relatively short time the country has progressed a lot. When compared to other countries in the region, that also achieved independence during the same time period India is the most developed. India is also a secular country and despite the fact that a larger portion of the population in India is rather conservative, the country’s government is quite open minded and progressive in its policies. The western world considers India to…
I am sure you became rather curious just by looking at the title of this article. I seriously hope that you never have to go to a federal prison, because regardless what the title may say, doing time in anywhere is not easy at all. The idea of going to prison alone keeps many people from committing crimes. Prison is like the hell on earth. You are robbed off of your liberty, your freewill and even your identity is taken from you in the prison. For the duration, you will be only known by a prisoner number assigned to you.…
The thing is, we know about special forces from movies, and for the most part how movies depict them is quite contradictory with the reality. Movies often glorify violence and mindless action, but often we see movies shy away from the difficult training these men and women go through to be a part of some special force unit. Yes, if you thought that joining the military was hard, then joining the special forces is even harder. Now that said, as you can see from the title of the article, it read 6 easiest special forces branches to join. And this…
The internet has pretty much revolutionized how we shop for things. I think it is safe to say that within the next few years, most of the shopping we do will become online, and eventually brick & mortar shops will cease to exist. If you like to shop online, which I think is safe to assume since you have shown interest in this particular article, then you already know what Etsy shops carry. Regardless, let me give you a brief rundown of Etsy anyway, because there might be someone reading this article who does not yet know about this amazing…
Dogs have been called the best friend of man for a very long time. Archeologists suggest that dogs have been the most earliest companion of man, and they have been around human settlements ever since the beginning of civilization. This is why we feel a deep connection towards dogs, and it think it is scientific to say that dogs feel something similar towards us as well. Dogs just love being around humans, I mean as a pet dogs need the least amount of training and petting before you can trust it completely. There are thousands of stories and artworks out…
I think it is very safe to say that a language is the backbone of a particular culture. It is through language that we interact and express our feelings to others. There are thousands of languages in the entire world, and the languages are as diverse as the cultures they represent. Now that said, it is only natural that some languages out of the thousands may sound a little bit annoying to us. I mean no offense to those who speak these languages of course. Please do not grab hold of your pitchforks and torches if you find your language…
You can tell just by looking at the title that that our today’s article is going to be a horror story. Yes, organ trade and trafficking is a horrible practice that is being carried out by well organized groups through out the entire world. This is where a human considered to be cattle. I mean in organ trafficking people are treated like cattle for harvesting their organs. Unfortunately, even doctors are involved in this horrible trade. The law regarding this type of practice is pretty harsh, but clearly there is a serious lack of enforcing this law. Perfectly healthy people…
A person’s race can have huge implications, which is definitely very unfortunate as all men and also women have been created equal. Even in this modern age and time, racism is still very much alive and there are some serious organizations out there that support such evil agenda. Thankfully, most people believe that a person’s skin color is just that a color and it implies nothing else about the person. We at insider monkey do strongly subscribe to that notion and we as an organization are quite diverse. As you can see from the title that our today’s topic is…