Author: Abby Ahmed

In this article we will talk about languages. You do not have to be a linguist to recognize the importance of languages, and the impact they had on our development as a species. The first and true distinction we humans had from other animals around us that we were able to communicate complex emotions, feelings and thoughts with others. Some might argue that the true feelings and thoughts of one person can never be conveyed fully through the use of language. But, what do go through is close enough at least in my opinion. If you find the subject of…

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Our previous article talked about the science documentaries available on Amazon prime right now. So we figured, not everybody is interested in science stuff. The creative people really like art, they like to create art and they also love to watch others create art. This is why we took interest in making this list for our readers. I am not saying that those who really love to watch documentaries about science does not ponder at a beautiful work of art, in fact quite the opposite is true. Basically, this list will benefit all of our readers who love art. Oh…

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This is going to be a fun article, I can sense it. Well, summer spells holidays for kids, and no schools are open during summer. So that basically means, if you are a teacher you have no office as well. That certainly contributes to job benefit. However, you could do so much with this free time at your had. Assuming you are a teacher and you are thinking about spending the summer holidays making money. I mean, everyone could use a little bit of extra money right? Regardless how much you make for your job as a teachers, if you…

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So what is a double stroller? If you have to ask that question, then I think you do not yet have two children of your own. If that is the case, then you are just fine, and you do not need a double stroller for now at least. However, if you are in the market looking pick one up, then I highly recommend that you go through our full article. Because, our researchers have done a pretty good job of finding out and then ranking the best double strollers on the market right now. On top of that, you do…

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Our last article was about documentaries on Amazon prime. I bet you saw and thought to yourself. Well, that article handles the subject of documentaries as a whole. What about different genres, what about documentaries on specif subjects? Well, we have your answer in this article That is if you want to watch science documentaries. Yes, in this article we will talk about documentaries that are related to various topics pertaining to science. I am sure, since you have clicked on this article, you know how important science is for our development as a species. The first major discovery humans…

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If you have a subscription to Amazon prime, then I highly recommend that you take a few minutes to go through our full article. I mean, most people use an Amazon prime subscription to get products to their doorsteps faster and cheaper right? But, the digital content that you get is nothing to laugh about. If you have an Amazon prime subscription anyway, then you might as well take full advantage of it. Amazon is an amazing prime is an amazing place for all sorts of awesome digital content. However, today we will only be covering the documentaries that are…

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This article is meant to raise awareness, because once we thought that everything that passes quality control and make it to our hands must be very safe for use. However, that is not always the case. We do not want to tarnish any brands or we do not want you to stop using some products. Rather we merely want you, our readers to know that these products that made the list contain chemicals that are harmful. In its raw form, if a human is exposed to these chemicals will suffer serious consequences. However, since these substances come dissolved in various…

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Languages are how we communicate with one another. Our highly complicated and advanced language give us the ability to convey our feelings and thoughts to others with utmost accuracy. Well, to be honest I should say relatively, as many linguists argue that one’s thoughts and feelings can never be conveyed fully, even with such an highly evolved language system like ours. Today, we are taking about languages that is most prolific in the modern world. It does not mean, that the most widely spoken languages are the most popular ones. You might find this a bit confusing, but let me…

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I am going to assume that some of our readers who stumble upon this article, will not be familiar with the term audiologist. In fact, before coming across this particular article, I did not know about audiologists either. So, if you are an audiologist reading this then, hold on a sec because I will get to you shortly. First I would like to give a brief rundown of what audiologists are. Audiologists are basically health care professionals, who diagnose, treat and cure hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance disorders in both children and adults. Unless you suffered from similar conditions in…

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This time we will present to you the best states for working as a chemical engineer. Chemical engineers basically design and develop systems that produce needed chemicals. So basically the ideal job for a chemical engineer would be in a chemical manufacturing firm. I am sure, I do not have stress it to you the importance of chemical in the modern world. Form the smartphone in our hands to the rocket engine that pushes payloads way above the atmosphere all use chemicals in one form or another. I do not know much about the rocket engines but just take the…

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Are an architect? Well, if you are then I am sure you are going to absolutely love our today’s article. You can see form the title, that we will share our findings about the highest paying states for Architects in the United States. Which is great news, if you are considering moving to a new state or perhaps leaving your current job for a better one. It could very well be that you are in one of the 25 states, that made our list but for one reason or another you are underpaid. But, knowing for sure will open up…

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Many consider the real estate industry to be recession proof. Well, that is open to argument, and I am certainly not here to to discuss that particular matter in general. As you can see from the title, our today’s topic focuses primarily on construction workers and their salary. The title does not say that but it is certainly implied. As our researchers toil to figure out which states are best for construction workers. If you are in the construction business, then I am sure you would want to know about the best states for people in your line of work.…

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